Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
4 |
0 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Brunno da Silva Cerozi
Teach students fundamentals of fish feeding and nutrition, focusing on main feedstuff for the formulation
of aquafeeds; digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients in neotropical and temperate fish, and
the industrial processing aquafeeds.
Fundamentals of fish nutrition; the carrying capacity of farming systems - nutritional management as
factors that limit the carrying capacity. Fish digestive tract and glands and feeding habits. Physiology of
nutrition and digestion. The nutrients and their use by fish. Traditonal and surrogate feedstuff; feed
atractants and anti-nutritional factors. Nutritional requirements and the formulation and processing diets
for neotropical and temperate fish. Fish fedding and nutrition in intensive and semi-intensive farming
systems: maintenance, growth and reproduction. Interaction nutrition and health in fish farming
Baldisserotto, B.; J.E.P. Cyrino e E.C. Urbinati. 2014. Biologia e Fisiologia de Peixes Neotropicais de
Água Doce. Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão [FUNEP], Jaboticabal, SP.
Bútolo, J.E. 2010. Qualidade de Ingredientes na Alimentação Animal. 2ed. Colégio Brasileiro de Nutrição
Animal. Campinas, SP.
Chang, Y.K., and S.S. Wang. 1999. Advances in Extrusion Technology. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.
Lancaster, PE, USA.
Cyrino, J.E.P., D. Bureau and B.G. Kapoor, editors. 2007. Feeding and Digestive Functions of Fish.
Science Publishers, Inc. Enfield, NH, USA.
Cyrino, J.E.P., E.C Urbinati, D.M. Fracalossi, e N. Castagnolli, editores. 2004. Tópicos Especiais em
Piscicultura de Água Doce Tropical Intensiva. Sociedade Brasileira de Aquicultura e Biologia Aquática,
Jaboticabal, SP.
Fracalossi, D.M. e J.E.P. Cyrino. 2012. NUTRIAQUA – Nutrição e Alimentação de espécies de interesse
para a aquicultura brasileira. Sociedade Brasileira de Aquicultura e Biologia Aquática, Florianópolis, SC.
Halver, J.H., editor. 1989. Fish Nutrition. 2.ed. Academic Press, Inc. New York, NY, USA.
Hepher, B. 1988. Nutrition of Pond Fishes. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, England.
Jauncey, K. 1998. Tilapia Feeds and Feeding. Pisces Press Ltd., Stirling, Scotland.
Kaushik, S.J., and P. Luquet. 1991. Fish Nutrition in Practice. Institute National de la Recherche
Agronomique. Paris, France.
Lavens, P., and P. Sorgeloos. 1996. Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture. FAO
Fisheries Technical Paper 361. FAO, Rome, Italy.
National Research Council [NRC]. 2011. Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp. Anial Nutrition
Series. The National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA.
Nakagawa, H.; M. Sato, and D.M. Gatlin III. 2007. Dietary Supplements for the Health and Quality of
Cultured Fishes. CAB International, Wallingford, OX, UK.
Lovell, R.T. 1998. Nutrition and Feeding of Fish. 2ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell, MA, USA.
Steffens, W. 1989. Principles of Fish Nutrition. Ellis Harwood Ltd. New York, NY, USA.
Tacon, A.G.J. 1992. Nutritional Fish Pathology: Morphological signs of nutrient deficiency and toxicity in
farmed fish. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 330. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Webster, C.D., and C.E. Lim, editors. 2002. Nutrient Requirements and Feeding of Finfish for
Aquaculture. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Journals: Aquaculture; Aquaculture Nutrition; Aquaculture and Fisheries Management; Aquaculture
Research; Journal of The World Aquaculture Society; The Progressive Fish Culturist; Transactions of The
American Fisheries Society.