Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
2 |
2 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Dante Pazzanese Duarte Lanna
The central aim is to present to students the main systems of ruminants’ nutrition for a critical
comparative analysis through the use of basic concepts and principles acquired over the courses on the
areas of physiology, biochemistry and nutrition. Introduce the students to the practice of simulation
using mathematical models. Comparison between data obtained in experimental analytical work or in
practical production systems with those estimated by different models of nutrition. Identifying areas and
parameters that require specific experimentation with the purpose of improving prediction of simulation
models. Knowing the systems and models mostly used in the world and methodologies of economic
optimization including linear and non linear programming.
General considerations on the main ruminant feed systems. Methods of food analysis for ruminants.
Energetic and protein value. Food value and dry matter intake. Factors affecting maintenance
requirements . Factors affecting production requirements (growth and milk production). Methodology
developed by different ruminants feed systems for estimating of nutritional value (energy and protein),
ingestion, maintenance and production requirements and use efficiencies of nutrients for different
functions. Simulation and comparison of ruminants performance on different feed systems for specific
production conditions. Discussion on the mathematical models of metabolism proposed on literature.
Models that estimate environmental impacts of the activity, including the production of greenhouse
gases will be evaluated. The efficiency with which the optimization routines and their algorithms could
optimize the choice of foods to maximize economical return of the production system will be evaluated.
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1989, 2001, 2006. National Research Council. Effect of Environment on Nutrient Requirements of
Domestic Animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1981. Agriculture Research Council. The
Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Livestock. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, England, 1980.
Agriculture Research Council. The Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Livestock, Suplement 1- Protein.
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, England, 1985. Agriculture and Food Research Council. Technical
Committee on Responses to Nutrients, Report Number 1, Characterisation of Feedstuffs: Energy.
Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews (Series B), 57(9):507-23, 1987. Agriculture and Food Research Council.
Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients, Report Number 2, Characterisation of Feedstuffs:
Nitrogen. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews (Series B), 57(12):713-36, 1987. Agriculture and Food
Research Council. Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients, Report Number 5, Nutritive
Requirements of Ruminant Animals: Energy. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews (Series B). 60(10):729-
804. 1990. Agriculture and Food Research Council. Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients,
Report Number5, Nutritive Requirements of Ruminant Animals: Protein. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews
(Series B), 62(12):787:835. 1992. Agriculture ans Food Research Council. Energy and Protein
Requirements of Ruminants. Commonwealth Agriculture Bureaux International, United Kingdon, 1993.
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique. Ruminant Nutrition, recommended allowances and feed
tables. Editor R. Jarrige. INRA, 1989. Feeding Standards for Australian Livestock, Ruminants. CSIRO,
Australia 1990. Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein Model. Versão 3.1. Modelling Ruminant Digestion
and Metabolism R.L. Baldwin. Editora Chapman & Hall. 1995. Nutrição de Ruminantes Berchielli, T.T.;
Pires, A.V.;Oliveira, S.G.Jaboticabal, 2006, Lanna et al 1999 Modelos lineares e não-lineares de uso de
nutrientes para formulação de dietas de ruminates. Scientia Agricola , v. 56 (2), p. 479-488. ALEGARE,
L. N. D. P. ; ALBERTINI, Tiago Zanetti ; LANNA, D. P. D. . Eficiencia da vaca de cria. In: Alexandre Vaz
Pires. (Org.). Bovinocultura de Corte. Piracicaba- SP: FEALQ, 2010, v. 1, p. 143-158. Bovinocultura de
Corte. 1ed.Piracicaba- SP: FEALQ, 2010, v. 1, p. 159-170. Lanna, D.P.D. et al (2005) RLM- Ração de
Lucro Máximo (Version 3.2) [Computer program]. Available at versão 3.3.60. PERIÓDICOS:
Journal of Animal Science Journal of Dairy Science Jounal of Nutrition Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews
(Series B) Livestock Production Science Agricultural Systems Periódicos Nacionais.