Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
6 |
2 |
8 |
10 weeks |
120 hours |
Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho
The objective of this course is to study the construction and implementation of Applied General
Equilibrium (AEG) models in practice. We will be analyze in details the various aspects of construction of
the AEG models: a) definition of the system of equations; b) assembly of the database; c) estimation of
coefficients and parameters; d) solution methods (linear and non-linear); e) calibration; f) closure ; g)
implementation of the model; and h) use of the model. Throughout this process we will work with
models built for the Brazilian economy. The emphasis will be on the practical part of the implementation
of these models, so there will be intense use of computer packages, particularly the GEMPACK program.
At the end of the course students are expected to master the techniques of construction,
implementation, and use of AEG models, as well as the GEMPACK program used in the solution of these
1. Introduction: Course overview and practical examples of application of general equilibrium applied
2. Applied General Equilibrium Models
3.Database preparation.
4. Construction of the equation system: the Minimal BR model;
5. GEMPACK Program;
6. Estimation of coefficients and parameters;
7. Solution Methods;
8. Calibration;
9. Closure;
10. Implementation;
11. Use and simulations;
12. Paper preparation with policy simulation.
Adams, P.D.; Horridge, J.M.; Parmenter, B.R. (2000). “MMRF-GREEN: A Dynamic, Multi-sectoral, Multiregional
Model of Australia”. Clayton: Centre of Policy Studies. 23p. Preliminary Working Paper, OP-94.
Dervis, K., J. de Melo, e S. Robinson (1982). General Equilibrium Models for Development Policy.
Reimpressão. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Dixon, P.B., B.R. Parmenter, A.A. Powell, P.J. Wilcoxen (1992). Notes and Problems in Applied General
Equilibrium Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Dixon, P.B., B.R. Parmenter, J. Sutton, e D.P. Vincent (1982). ORANI: A Multisectoral Model of the
Australian Economy. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Dixon, P.B., e M.T. Rimmer (2002). Dynamic, General Equilibrium Modelling for Forecasting and Policy: a
Practical Guide and Documentation of MONASH. North-Holland. Este livro ainda não esta disponível, uma
versão preliminar que pode ser obtida em
FACHINELLO, A. L. ; FERREIRA FILHO, J. B. S. . Gripe Aviária no Brasil: uma Análise Econômica de
Equilíbrio Geral. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural (Impresso), v. 48, p. 539-566, 2010.
Ferreira Filho, J.B.S. (1998). Introdução aos Modelos Aplicados de Equilíbrio Geral: Conceitos, Teoria e
Aplicações. Série Didática no. 120. Departamento de Economia, Administração e Sociologia. ESALQ/USP.
41 p. Mimeo.
Ferreira Filho, J.B.S. (1998). Uma Análise de Equilíbrio Geral dos Impactos da Integração Econômica no
Cone Sul sobre a Agricultura Brasileira. Tese de Livre Docência. DEAS-ESALQ-USP.
Ferreira Filho, J.B.S. (1999). “Trade Liberalization, the Mercosur Integration Process and the Agriculture-
Industry Transfers: a General Equilibrium Analysis”. Revista Brasileira de Economia. 53(4):499-522.
FERREIRA Fo, J.B.S; HORRIDGE, J.M. The Doha Development Agenda and Brazil: Distributional Impacts.
Review of Agricultural Economics. Fall,2006.
FERREIRA FILHO, J.B.S., HORRIDGE, M.J. Economic Integration, Poverty and Regional Inequality in
Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Economia, Rio de Janeiro, v.60, n.4, 2006.
FERREIRA FILHO, J.B.S; RIBERA, L; HORRIDGE, M. Deforestation Control and Agricultural Supply in
Brazil. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v. 97, p. 589-601, 2015.
FERREIRA FILHO, J.B.S; FACHINELLO, A.L. Employment and income generation in the Brazilian Amazon
forest: a Social Account Matrix based multiplier approach. International Forestry Review, v. 17, p. 85-
96, 2015.
DINIZ, T; FERREIRA FILHO, J.B.S. Impactos Econômicos do Código Florestal Brasileiro: uma discussão à
luz de um modelo computável de equilíbrio geral (Economic impacts of the Brazilian Forest Code).
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural). V. 53, no. 2, p. 229-250. 2015.
Hertel, T.W. (ed) 1997). Global Trade Analysis: Modeling and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Johansen, L. (1974). A Multi-Sectoral Study of Economic Growth. Segunda Edição Ampliada.
Amsterdam: North-Holland.
OLIVEIRA, C. W. A. ; COELHO, D. S. C. ; BAHIA, L. D. ; FERREIRA FILHO, J. B. S. . Impactos
Macroeconomicos de Investimentos na Cadeia de Petróleo Brasileira. Texto para Discussão (IPEA.
Brasília), v. 1657, p. 1-23, 2011.
PAVAO, A. R. ; FERREIRA FILHO, J. B. S. . Impactos econômicos da introdução do milho Bt11 no Brasil:
uma abordagem de equilíbrio geral inter-regional. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural (Impresso), v.
49, p. 81-108, 2011.
Peter, M.W., M. Horridge, G.A. Meagher, F. Naqvi, e B.R. Parmenter (1996). “The Theoretical Structure
of MONASH-MRF”. Preliminary Working Paper No. OP-85. April. Centre of Policy Studies, Monash
Robinson, S. (1989). “Multisectoral Models”. Em Chenery e Srinivasan (eds.). op. cit. pp. 886-947.
SANTOS, J.A; FERREIRA FILHO, J.B.S. Substituição de Combustíveis Fósseis por Etanol e Biodiesel no
Brasil e Seus Impactos Econômicos: Uma Avaliação do Plano Nacional de Energia 2030 (Substitution of
fossil fuels by ethanol and biodiesel in Brazil: an evaluation of the National Energy Plan 2030). Pesquisa
e Planejamento Econômico, v.47 (3), p.185-216. 2017.
SILVA, J.G.S; RUVIARO, C.F; FERREIRA FILHO, J.B.S. Livestock intensification as a climate policy:
Lessons from the Brazilian case. Land Use Policy, v.62, p.232-245. 2017.
FERREIRA FILHO, J. B. S.; HORRIDGE, M. J. . Biome Composition in Deforestation Deterrence and GHG
Emissions in Brazil. In: Peter Dixon; Joseph Francois; Dominique van der Mensbrugghe. (Org.). POLICY
ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. 1ed.Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.
Pte. Ltd., 2021, v. 76, p. 419-436.
Agriculture and Internal Migration in Brazil. In: Madden J., Shibusawa H., Higano Y.. (Org.). New
Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives. 1ed.: Springer Singapore, 2020, v. , p. 129-151.
Gap in Livestock Production in Brazil: New Results and Emissions Insights. In: Madden J., Shibusawa H.,
Higano Y.. (Org.). New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives. 1ed.: Springer Singapore,
2020, v. , p. 153-170.
Ferrarini, Angel dos Santos Fachinelli ; FERREIRA FILHO, JOAQUIM BENTO DE SOUZA ; Cuadra, Santiago
Vianna ; Victoria, Daniel de Castro ; HORRIDGE, MARK . The Expansion of Irrigated Agriculture in Brazil
and Potential Regional Limitations. In: Glyn Wittwer. (Org.). Advances in Applied General Equilibrium
Modeling. 1ed.: Springer Singapore, 2019, v. , p. 139-157.