Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
2 |
2 |
6 |
15 weeks |
90 hours |
Silvia Helena Galvao de Miranda
This course aims to expose graduate students to several different topics of research in the field of
Applied Economics, currently in the spotlight, promoting a critical debate and contributing to their choice
of a dissertation/thesis' theme to work on. We intend that graduate students also become familiar to
the research areas conducted by faculty members in the PPG-EA, as well as by other graduate students
and eventually invited speakers, from other national and international institutions (universities and
research intitutes). In addition, we expose the students to research tools and others offered by the USP
A variety of topics related to recent studies developed by faculty members of the Department of
Economics, Business and Sociology of ESALQ, as well as related to research conducted by invited
speakers of collaborating institutes and other universities. In addition, the course intends to present
general issues that are currently challenging the academia in the field of Applied Economics. Some of the
themes of interest are: Trade and Environment, sector's studies, Regulatory Impact Analysis (focusing
on social and sanitary policies), poverty and inequality in the income and wealth distribution , Partial and
General Equilibrium models, Future and Derivatives market. Another topic we shall discuss is the
Brazilian Economy in the recent years, challenges, recent evolution, including the social aspects. Use of
tools and services offered by the USP Library, among others.
Most of the references indicated will depend on invited speakers. The references for each lecture will be
delivered to students at least one week in advance according to speakers and themes selected for each
semester. Despite of that, some papers are proposed to students as obligatory reading as follow:
ABLER, D.G.. Approaches to Measuring Effects of Trade Agreements. CATPRN Commissioned Paper CP -
2006 -1. March 2006 (Disponível em:
GOLDSMITH, P.. Publishing Agribusiness Research: 10 Top Do´s and not don’ts of the International
Submission Process. Apresentação em Seminário da PG, LES, Nov. 2009.
HOFFMANN, R. A Distribuição da Renda no Brasil e o Setor Agrícola. In: 57º Congresso da SOBER, UESC
- 21 a 25 de julho de 2019. Anais.
MIRANDA,S.H..G.; ADAMI, A.C.O. Métodos quantitativos na Avaliação de Risco de Pragas. Cap. 10. In:
Sugayama, R.L.; Silva, M.L.; Silva, S.X.B.; Ribeiro, L.C.; Rangel, L.E.P. (Ed.) Defesa Vegetal –
Fundamentos, Ferramentas, Políticas e Perspectivas. Belo Horizonte: Sociedade Brasileira de Defesa
Agropecuária. 1ª. Edição. 2015. p.183-203
Analysis Inventory. Notes by the Secretariat. Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate
– Public Governance Committee. Paris. 29th Session do Comitê. 15-16/04/2004. 58p. ; PAES DE BARROS, R.; FOGUEL, M.N.; ULYSSEA,
G.(Org) Desigualdade de Renda no Brasil: uma análise da queda recente. Brasília: IPEA. 2006. 2v. 446p.
UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO. Several documents. Available at: