Course detail

LPV5704 - Coffee Crop

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Jose Laercio Favarin

To construct the coffee tree, from the seed to the fruit formation, interacting available knowledge on botany, systematics, morphology, physiology, agrometeorology and soil science. This approach allows the students to learn field applied techniques from the theory, stimulating critical analysis on what is currently done in order to carry out scientific agriculture.

Origin of the main species (Coffea arabica L. and Coffea canephora Pierre). Botanical classification. Morphology (root, stem, branches, leaf, flower and fruit). Agricultural zoning. Preparation and correction of soil and subsoil. Physiology of seed germination. Growth, development, reproduction and fruit production of coffee. Carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Topics on plant fertility and plant nutrition. Evaluation of the nutritional status of coffee. Harvesting, preparation and sorting of coffee.

CLIFFORD, M.N.; WILLSON, K.C. Coffee - botany, biochemistry and production of beans and beverage. New York: Editora Croom Helm. 1985. 457p.
CARVALHO, C.H.S. Cultivares de café - origem, características e recomendações. Brasília: Embrapa Café, 2008. 334p.
FAVARIN, J.L.; TEZOTTO, T.; NETO, A.P.; PEDROSA, A.W. Cafeeiro. In: PROCHNOW, L.I. et. al. Boas práticas para uso eficiente de fertilizantes. Piracicaba: International Plant Nutrition Institute, 2010, p.411-467.
FERRÃO, R.G.; FONSECA, A.F.A.; BRAGANÇA, S.M.; FERRÃO, M.A.G.; MUNER, L.H. Café Conilon. Vitória: Incaper, 2007. 702p.
MANLIO, S.F. Nutrição mineral de plantas. Viçosa: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2006. 432p.
MARCOS FILHO, J. Fisiologia de sementes de plantas cultivadas. Piracicaba: Fealq, 2005. 495p.
PEREIRA, A.R.; CAMARGO, A.P.; CAMARGO, M.B.P. Agrometeorologia de cafezais no Brasi. Campinas: Instituto Agronômico. 2008. 127p.
RAIJ, B. van. Fertilidade do solo e manejo de nutrientes. Piracicaba: International Plant Nutrition Institute. 2011, 420p.
TAIZ, L.; ZEIGER, E. Fisiologia vegetal. Porto Alegre: Editora Artmed. 2013. 918p.
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