Course detail

LPV5715 - Special Topics in Weed Science

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Ricardo Victoria Filho

To provide detailed information in an environment that stimulates student engagement, in the following topics: mechanisms of seed dispersion and dormancy in weeds. Weed competiton and allelopathy. Integrated weed management. Mechanisms of herbicide penetration in leaves, and factors involved. Surfactants and herbicide uptake. Aspects of mobility and degradation of herbicides in the soil. Herbicides and soil microorganisms. Herbicide selectivity. Herbicide modes of action. Herbicide application equipment. Herbicide resistance in weeds and herbicide tolerance in OGM crops. Herbicide toxicology. Herbicide persistence in soil and plants. Mechanisms of herbicide adsorption in the soil. Biological control of weeds.

Mechanisms of seed dispersion and dormancy in weeds. Weed competiton and allelopathy. Integrated weed management. Mechanisms of herbicide penetration in leaves, and factors involved. Surfactants and herbicide uptake. Aspects of mobility and degradation of herbicides in the soil. Herbicides and soil microorganisms. Herbicide selectivity. Herbicide modes of action. Herbicide application equipment. Herbicide resistance in weeds and herbicide tolerance in OGM crops. Herbicide toxicology. Herbicide persistence in soil and plants. Mechanisms of herbicide adsorption in the soil. Biological control of weeds.

ANDERSON, W.P. Weed Science Principles. West Publishing Company, Minnesota, 2007. 388 p. (632.58 A552W3)
DEUBER, R. Ciência das Plantas Infestantes: Fundamentos. Vol. 1. 2003. 452p. (632.58 D485c2)
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF UNITED NATIONS (FAO). Manejo de malezas para paises em desarrollo.1996.403p. (on line 632.58F218m)
KROPFF, M.S.; VanLAAR, H.H. Modeling crop-weed interactions. Wallingford CAB, 1993. 274p.
LORENZI, H. (Coord.). Manual de Identificação e Controle de Plantas Daninhas: plantio direto e convencional. Ed. do Autor. Nova Odessa. 7 ed. 2014. (r632.58 L869mb)
RADOSEVICH, S.R.; HOLT, J.J.; GHERSA, C. Weed Ecology, Implications of Vegetation Management. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997. 589p.(632.58 R131W2)
RODRIGUES, B.N.; ALMEIDA, F.S. de. Guia de Herbicidas, 6a. ed. IAPAR, Londrina, 2011. 697p. (rb632.954 A447g5)
SILVA, A.A.; SILVA, J.F. Tópicos em Manejo de Plantas Daninhas. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2007.367p, (632.58 5586t)
SOC. BRAS. da CIENC. das PLANTAS DANINHAS. Manejo de Plantas Daninhas nas culturas Agrícolas. Org. Monqueiro, P.A. RiMA Ed. 2014,306.
VARGAS, L.; ROMAN, E.S. (ed.). Manual de Manejo e Controle de Plantas Daninhas. Bento Gonçalves: Embrapa, Uva e Vinho.2008. 777p.(632.58 v297m)
ZIMDAHL, R.L. Fundamentals of Weed Science. Academic Press Incorporation. Califórnia. 2007. 556p.(632.58 Z71f3)