Course detail

LPV5723 - Plant Propagation

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Keigo Minami
Paulo Hercílio Viegas Rodrigues
Simone Rodrigues da Silva

To promote the understanding of multiplication systems of vegetable species and knowledge of various
methods by which the species can be propagated. Enabling of systematic way using principles and
concepts of the growth control mechanisms regulating and development of vegetable species. Develop
mechanical handling and training in the propagation of vegetable species.

1. Plant Propagation 1.1. Concepts. 1.2. Methods of propagation 1.3. Genetic variability and epigenetic
2. Physical and installation structures. 2.1. Greenhouses 2.2. Greenhouses and small greenhouse 2.3.
Flowerbeds. 2.4. Slatted 2.5. Nurseries 2.6. Plastic Tunnels 3. Substrates and containers 3.1. Types of
substrates 3.2. Physical, chemical and biological aspects of substrates. 3.3. Mixtures, characteristics and
principles for the production of mixtures 3.4.Types of containers. 3.5 Materials used for containers 4.
Formation of seeds 4.1. Embryogenesis 4.2. Physiology of flowering and fruiting 4.3. General aspects of
seed production 4.4. Principles and techniques of propagation by seed propagation 5. Propagation 5.1.
Use of cloning 5.2. Physiology and technique of propagation by cuttings, layering, layering and ridging
5.3. Physiology and technique of propagation by grafting 5.4. Micropropagation 5.5 Physiology and
acclimatization technique 5.6. Physiology of specialized propagation structures 6. Other aspects of
propagation 6.1. Legislation and legal aspects of propagation 6.2. Seedling production cost 6.3.
Unconventional methods of seedling production 6.4. Storage and transport of seedlings 6.5. Mother
plants and clonal gardens 6.6. Bioplants seedlings 7. Plant Health 7.1. Phytosanitary treatments 7.2.
Seedling production free from pathogen 8. Research.

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