Course detail

LSO5845 - Soil Genesis and Morphology

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
180 hours

Pablo Vidal Torrado

Provide in-depth knowledge of Pedology, with an emphasis on pedogenetic processes and their morphological evidences, seeking to understand soil-landscape relationships. Learn about different international schools of Pedology and their approaches. The main focus of the course is to discuss pedogenesis in Brazil and in other parts of the tropical world. Otherwise the main topics of pedology in temperate and cold environments are also included.

The Soi concept. History of Pedology. Formation Factors: emphasis on soil-parent material, soil-climate and soil-geomorphology relationships; pedology-geomorphology-stratigraphy-hydrology relationships. Weathering Processes. Soil morphology at different scales of observation: macro and micromorphology. Characteristics, specific formation processes and soil-landscape relationships of: Latosols, Nitosols, Luvisols, Argisols, Planosols, Cambisols, Spodosols, Plinthosols, Gleysols, Organosols, Vertisols, Chernosols and Neosols.

BUOL, S.W.; SOUTHARD, R.J.; GRAHAM, R.C. & McDANIEL, P.A. Soil Genesis and Classification. John Wiley & Sons. Sixt edition. 2011.
CURI, N. (Org.) ; KER, J. C. (Org.) ; VIDAL-TORRADO, P. (Org.); ; SCHAEFER, C. E. G. (Org.) Pedologia: Solos dos Biomas Brasileiros. SBCS, Viçosa, 2017 597p.
DRIESSEN, P; DECKERS, J; SPAARGAREN, O; NACHTERGAELE, F. - Lecture notes on the major soils of the world. FAO, 2000
EMBRAPA, Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação. 4ª. Edição revista e ampliada. 2018. 353p.
IUSS Working Group WRB. 2022. World Reference Base for Soil Resources. International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. 4th edition. International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Vienna, Austria (FAO). World Reference Base for Soil Resources.
IBGE,Manual Técnico de Pedologia, Guia pratico de campo. Coordenação de Recursos Naturais e Estudos Ambientais. Rio de Janeiro, 2015
KER, J.C., CURI, N. SCHAEFER, C.E.G.R. & VIDAL-TORRADO, P. Pedologia, Fundamentos. Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Viçosa, 2012, 343p
SANTOS, R.D., LEMOS, R.C., SANTOS, H.G., KER, J.C. ANJOS, L.H.C., SHIMIZU, S.H. . Manual de descrição e coleta de solos no campo. Sétima edição. Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Viçosa, 2015, 100p.
SCHAETZL, R. & THOMPSON, M.L.. Soils Genesis and Geomorphology. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York, 2015. 800p.
USDA. Soil survey Staff. Soil Taxonomy. A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. Sexond Edition, 1999, 869p.
Van BREEMEN, N. & BUURMAN, P. Soil Formation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, Second Edition.
Artigos publicados nos periódicos com foco em Pedologia (Catena, Geoderma, European Journal of Soil Science entre outros).