Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
4 |
2 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Antonio Carlos de Azevedo
To know the conditions of formation, the atomic structure, classification, reactivity and stability conditions for secondary minerals common in soils. To know the techniques to identify them, fromt pre-treatment of samples to interpretation of XRD results.
This course introduces the main soil minerals, including their chemical and genetic aspects. The focus is in minerals in the soil clay fraction of tropical and subtropical soils. Unit 1- Introduction. Use of soil mineralogy information in soil science areas to address practical problems. Unit 2 - Crystalloraphy basics. 3- Conditions for secondary clay minerals formation and stability. Unit 4 - 1:1 Phyllosilicates. Unit 5- 2:1 Phyllosilicates. Unit 6- Iron and Aluminum Oxides. Unit 7 - Primary minerals in soils. Unit 8 - Relationships between mineral structure and physical-chemical behavior of mineral soils. Unit 9- Methods of sample preparation. Unit 10- Basic techniques of mineral identification in soils, with emphasis in X ray diffraction.
Meunier, A., Velde, A. Illite. Springer. 286 p. 2010
Fiore, S. et al., INterstratified Clay minerals. AIPEA educational series. 175p. 2010
Bleam, W. Soil and Environmental Chemistry. Elsevier, 2017. 573p.
Resende, M. et al., Da rocha ao solo. Editora da UFLA, 512 p. 2019.
Meunier, A.; Velde, B. Illite. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.286p. 2010.
Velde, B.; Meunier, A. The origin of clay minerals in soils and weathered rocks. Springer-verlag, 406p. 2008.
Cornell, R. M.; Schwertmann, U. The iron Oxides. Wiley-Verlag. 664p. 2003.
MELO, V. DE F.; ALLEONI, L. R. F. Química e Mineralogia do Solo. Parte 1- conceitos básicos. SBCS. 695 p. 2009
RESENDE, M.; CURI, N.; KER, J.C.; REZENDE, S.B. Mineralogia de solos Brasileiros: Interpretação e Aplicações. Lavras: Editora UFLA, 2005. 192p.
DIXON, J. B. and SCHULZE, D. G. 2002. Soil Mineralogy with Environmental Applications. Soil Science Society of America Book Series, No. 7. Madison, WI, USA.
DIXON, J. B. and S. B. WEED. 1989. Minerals in soil environments. 2nd ed., Soil Science Society of America Book Series. Madison, WI, USA.
Clays and Clay Minerals, Clay Minerals, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Geoderma, European Journal Soil Science, Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Catena, Pedosphere, entre outras.