Course detail

LSO5923 - Soil Landscape: Scales, Relationships and Methods of Study

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
150 hours

Pablo Vidal Torrado
Selma Simoes de Castro

1.Present the basic concepts and their differences: Geodiversity, Biodiversity, Pedodiversity,
Geopedology, Pedogeomorphology, Morphopedology, Soilscapes, Soil Cover, Pedological Cover, (Pedo)
Chronosequences, (Pedo) Toposequences, (Pedo) Lithosequences, Catenas and Topossequences, Soil
2.Differentiate Soil Landscapes from Soilscapes
3.Emphasize the importance of the relief on soil formation (pedogenesis) and Soil Systems.
4.Differentiate the main types of Soilscapes and associated Soil Systems, emphasizing the tropical
5.Present the scales and study methods to evaluate the spatial, morphological and functional
relationships of soils in landscapes and their applications.

Contemporary concepts of greater comprehensiveness: Geodiversity, Biodiversity, Pedodiversity, Geopedology and Soilscape. The landscape concepts and the role of soil. Soil concepts, the levels of scalar organization of soils. The interdependence between the soil and landscape and soil and relief (Soil Geomorphology):from geochemistry and pedogenetic zonality to geochemical behaviour in local scale. Pedogeomorphology and Morphopedology-scalar, conceptual, operational and constitutional differences. Catenas and pedological systems.Typology of landscapes, soilscapes and pedological systems, emphasizing the tropical landscapes and soilscapes.Equilibrium and imbalances of soils and landscapes.-Systems of vertical and lateral pedological transformation.Methods and instruments of study the soil and landscape: geocartography, macro and micromorphology and geodynamic (functional) types.There are several possible applications, with emphasis on agronomy,landscape ecology (geoecology) and (geo)environmental studies.

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