Course - detail

LEB5010 - Pressurized Irrigation 2: Advanced Topics

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Jose Antonio Frizzone
Rubens Duarte Coelho

Provide the graduate student in Agricultural Systems Engineering at ESALQ/USP with state-of-the-art
knowledge of the hydraulics of pressurized irrigation systems (drip, micro-sprinkler, stationary sprinkler
systems and mechanized systems - center pivot and move linear) , in order to understand the hydraulic
fundamentals of the project and its limitations, developing a critical view that induces the formulation of
hypotheses aiming at applications in research and innovation in the area of pressurized irrigation; (b)
guide the student towards the rational use of water and energy resources within a social context; (c)
development and environmental impacts of irrigation in Brazil and in other countries of the world.

1. Current situation of pressurized irrigation (micro-irrigation and sprinkler) in Brazil and in the World: irrigated area, availability of water resources and energy, the state of the art of the pressurized irrigation equipment industry.
2. Micro-irrigation systems (surface and underground drip; micro-sprinkler): (a) New components on the market; (b) Types of emiters used; (c) Quality testing of emitters – manufacturing variation and flow-pressure performance curves; (d) Fundamentals for designing operating units; (e) Selection of emitters and their spacing; (f) Hydraulic design criteria; (g) Hydraulic dimensioning of micro-irrigation systems: designing of lateral lines (hydraulic and statistical methods); hydraulic and economic design of manifold lines, secondary lines and main line; designing of the filtration system; dimensioning of motor pumps and pipelines; (h) Performance of micro-irrigation systems; (i) Obstruction of emitters: causes, control and monitoring.
3. Sprinkler irrigation systems: (a) Stationary sprinkler systems; hydraulics and dimensioning; uniformity of water distribution aiming at the efficient management of irrigation; (b) Mechanized sprinkler systems; (c) Center pivot and linera move : system components; laboratory tests of the pressure regulator-emitter set; design of systems capacity; lateral line hydraulics; hydraulic design of the system; pumping system; irrigation performance by center pivot and linear move systems; (d) Economical selection of pressurized sprinkler systems.

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ALYSSON PAOLINELLI, et Al. Diferentes abordagens sobre agricultura irrigada no Brasil: História, Política Pública, Economia e Recurso Hídrico. Piracicaba: ESALQ - USP, 2021. 574 p.: il. (Cátedra Luiz de Queiroz)
ALYSSON PAOLINELLI, ET AL. Diferentes abordagens sobre agricultura irrigada no Brasil: Técnica e Cultura. Piracicaba: ESALQ - USP, 2021. 598 p.: il. (Cátedra Luiz de Queiroz)
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FRIZZONE, J.A.; FREITAS, P. S. L.; REZENDE, R. FARIA, M. A. Microirrigação: gotejamento e microaspersão. Maringá: Eduem, 2012. 356p.
FRIZZONE, J.A; REZENDE, R.; CAMARGO, A.P; COLOMBO, A. Irrigação por aspersão: Sistema Pivô-Central. Maringá: Eduem, 2018. 353p.
GERÇEK, S.; DEMIRKAYA, M.; IŞIK, D. Water pillow irrigation versus drip irrigation with regard to growth and yield of tomato grown under greenhouse conditions in a semi-arid region. Agricultural Water Management, v. 180, p. 172–177, 2017.
GOYAL, Megh R. Management of Drip/Trickle or Micro Irrigation. Publisher: Apple Academic Press; 1 edition. 2012. 350 p.
HOFFMAN, Glenn J., EVANS, Robert G, JENSEN, Marvin Eli; MARTIN Derrel L. Design And Operation Of Farm Irrigation Systems. ASABE Publisher, 2007. 863 p.
KELLER, J.; BLIESNER, R.D. Sprinkler and trickle irrigation. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 2001. 652 p.
JAMES, L.G. Principles of irrigation system design. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998. 542p.
LATIF, Muhammad, MAHMOOD, Sajid. TRICKLE IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE IN ORCHARDS: Energy Loss on Lateral, Geometric Characteristics and Hydraulic Variability Analysis. Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. 2010. 104 p.
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STEWART, B. A.; NIELSEN D. R. Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. Publisher: American Society of Agronomy-Crop Science Society. 2007. 664 p.
ROE, Terry L. Roe, DOUKKALI, Mohammed Rachid, DINAR, Ariel, TSUR, Tsur. Pricing Irrigation Water. Resources for the Future, 2004, 319p.
VILAÇA, F. N.; FRIZZONE, J.A.; CAMARGO, A.P. Minor losses in start connectors of microirrigation laterals. Irrigation Science, v. 35, n. 3, p. 227–240, 2017.