Course - detail

LEB5044 - Animal Production I: Principles and Concepts

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Késia Oliveira da Silva Miranda

Provide the concepts and knowledge of basic physical principles to be used as tools in precision animal
production in order to develop a sense about their importance. This will make it possible for students to
apply these concepts within the general area of precision animal production, such as: process safety, the
quality of the final animal products, and combining these aspects in accordance with current legislation.

Introduction: History, concepts and accuracy of Precision Animal Production
Current challenges of animal production systems
Concepts, applications and advanced control system (e.g., telemetry) sensors, actuators and biosensors
Definitions and concepts of the basic physical laws of various tools used in Precision Animal Production
Intelligent systems of environmental control and animal behavior
Assessment tools (fuzzy logic, neural networks, CFD modeling)
Use of Precision Animal Production in animal behavior assessment (visual, thermal, sound)
Image analyses
Sound analyses (signal analysis, bioacoustics, vocalization) and animal behavior;
Music therapy

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Periódicos nacionais e internacionais de consulta livre:
Transactions of the ASABE; Behavior Animal Production; Poultry Science; Animal Science; Canadian Agricultural Engineering; dentre outros.