Course detail

CEN5749 - Biogeochemistry of Nitrogen in Tropical Ecosystems

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
10 weeks
150 hours

Marisa de Cassia Piccolo

The rates of net mineralization and nitrification and N stocks in tropical soils are indicators of fertility and affect the retention capacity of soil N after the alterations due to land use change. Therefore, the objectives of this course are: 1) the N cycle processes; 2) environmental and human factors that influence the processes of the N cycle; 3) the interaction between the N cycling and other elements (C, P, S and others); 4) changes in the N cycle after land use change; 5) the influence of agricultural practices on N availability to plants; 6) conventional and isotopic methods used in the processes of the N cycle and 7-) consequences of human activity on the N cycle "Cases studies: Natural Ecosystem X agroecosystem".

The course will be realized during 10 weeks, 8:30 to 12:00 a.m. he afternoon (2:00-5:00 p.m.) will be reserved to: laboratory class, review of scientific papers, and discussion of the subject related. The evaluation will be conducted through an overview of the topics presented in the lectures and practices, or with a written evaluation after each class. Seminars will be presented by American and French researchers that the Laboratory of Nutrient Cycling (LCN) have research projects in collaboration. Lectures: 1st and 2nd Class * Cycle the global N: Processes between compartments: denitrification; volatilization; biological fxation; immobilization; mineralization (ammonification, nitritation, nitration, and nitrification) and leaching. 3rd and 4th Class * Environmental Factors and human activities that influence the processes of the N cycle, aeration, pH, temperature, moisture, liming, fertilizers, C N ratio, quality of crop residues or litter, tillage and conventional tillage, soil aggregation and climate change. 5th and 6th Class * Use of conventional and isotopic techniques in the study of the N cycle (natural variation and isotopic enrichment) .7th and 8th * Mitigation measures to prevent pollution of the plant-soil-atmosphere system. 9th and 10th * Case Study: Natural Ecosystem (Amazon Rainforest, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Mangrove,Native Forest) and Agroecosystem (pasture, raw and burnt sugar cane, crop rotation under tillage and conventional tillage. Practical classes: 1st and 2nd Class * Collect soil samples and gases from soil respiration, * Preparation of soil samples for analysis of total N, mineral N and microbial activity. 3rd and 4th Class * Determination of total nitrogen in the plant and soil samples, * Determination of mineral N in soil samples,* Determination of net rates of mineralization and nitrification of soil N, * Analysis of the root system of plants,* Aggregation of soil. 5th. and 6th Class * Lesson Analysis of soil microbial activity, * Analysis of N gases from soil and soil respiration, * Analysis of N as volatilized ammonia from soil. 7th and 8th Class * Use of isotopic techniques to study of the N cycle (natural variation and isotopic enrichment).

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