CEN5736 - Hydrogeochemistry of Drainage Basins
CEN5742 - Pesticides and Environment
CEN5749 - Biogeochemistry of Nitrogen in Tropical Ecosystems
ECO5006 - Human Evolutionary Ecology
ECO5010 - Anthropology and Environmental Issues
ECO5017 - Foundations of Conservation Biology
ECO5023 - Nature and Modernity: Fundamentals for the Study of the Modern and Contemporary World
ECO5024 - Agriculture, Society and Environment
ECO5026 - Patterns and Processes on the South American Vertebrates
ECO5029 - Society, Nature and Tourist Territory
ECO5039 - Environment, Society and Teaching Practice in Higher Education
ECO5040 - Classical Readings of the Brazilian Social Formation
ECO5044 - The Teaching of Sciences and the Teacher Training: Study and Analysis of Current Research
ECO5045 - Road Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
ECO5047 - Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management and Conservation
ECO5048 - Mammal ecology and conservation: methods and analyses
ECO5051 - Chemical Equilibria and Ionic Speciation in Aqueous Solutions
ECO5052 - Sustainable Production of Bioenergy
ECO5057 - Hybrid Wars: Environment and Democracy
ECO5058 - Law Applied to the Environment and Cyberspace
ECO5060 - Tópicos Especiais em Agroecologia
LCE5871 - Residence in Statistical Analysis
LCF5737 - Impacts of Recreation in Protected Areas
LCF5744 - Biodiversity: Use and Conservation
LCF5878 - Inventory, Monitoring and Wildlife Management
LES5812 - Pedagogical Preparation PAE
LGN5702 - Origin and Evolution of Crop Plants
LSN5847 - Geoscience Applied to Land Use Planning