Course detail

ECO5034 - Science, Culture and Ethics

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Laura Alves Martirani
Maria Elisa de Paula Eduardo Garavello

To lead the student to understand the trajectory of the formation of scientific knowledge, its
characteristics, and main influences of Western thought. It is also intended to lead the student to make
theoretical reflection on the main issues arising from this thinking: disciplinarity, transdisciplinarity,
rationality and challenges for postmodernity, culture and ethics. To inform the students about the
debates that involve the discussion of new directions for scientific knowledge, in agreement with the
main thinkers of the present time in this area.

The historical emergence of modernity and the constitution of the foundations of scientific knowledge.
Cartesian science, its potential and limits. Logical empiricism, Critical Rationalism by Popper, Kuhn and
the structure of scientific revolutions. The epistemological crisis and the paradigmatic transition. The
reform of thought. Complexity, inter and transdisciplinarity; translation. Bifurcation and the arrow of
time. Abyssal thinking and the ecology of knowledges. Southern Epistemologies. Complexity, scientific
knowledge, traditional knowledge; global knowledge, local knowledge. Culture. The science and
technology system in western culture. Culture today: crisis of values, consumption. Postmodernity and
contemporary ethics. Ethics and Environment/Science/Technology. Challenges and perspectives for
Homo sapiens: the search for a just society; the re-enchantment of the world.

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