Course detail

ECO5060 - Advanced Topics in Agroecology

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Carlos Armênio Khatounian

Develop in students the ability to understand agricultural production systems as parts of the biosphere, subject to the same laws that govern natural ecological phenomena. - Deepen understanding of the major challenges of the current agrifood system, and develop an understanding of the various aspects of its complexity. - Enable students to analyze current agricultural production systems and, based on their concrete conditions, design and implement ecologically improved production systems.

History of agriculture from an environmental perspective. Technological and social evolution of agricultural production systems. Agricultural production systems in the world. The structure and functioning of current agricultural production systems as ecosystems: plant production, animal production, interactions. The concepts of soil fertility and system fertility: epistemological differences, consequences on agricultural practice and sustainability. Systemic analysis of real agricultural production initiatives: diagnosis, proposition and monitoring of more sustainable systems. Standard operating procedures for ecologically-based production of crops and creations of interest to participants. Agroecology and the food supply of humanity.

The following list is the study material upon which the course is based. Specific references about each item dealt with or of particular interest to the participants will be indicated throughout the course.
ALTIERI, Miguel. Agroecologia: bases científicas para uma agricultura sustentável. Rio de Janeiro, AS-PTA, 2002. 592 p.
BARKER, Allen V. Science and techonology of organic farming. London, CRC Press, 2010. 264p
DEAN, Warren. A ferro e fogo. A história e a devastação da Mata Atlântica Brasileira. São Paulo, Cia das Letras, 1996. 484p
DIAMOND, Jared. Armas, germes e aço: o destino das sociedades humanas. Rio de Janeiro, Record, 2011. 472p.
DIAMOND, Jared. Colapso: como as sociedades escolhem o fracasso. Rio de Janeiro, Record, 2010. 699p.
DIAMANDIS, Peter H.; KOTLER, Steven. Abundância. São Paulo, HSM Editora, 2012. 423p
DORST, Jean. Antes que a natureza morra: por uma ecologia política. São Paulo, Edgard Blücher, 1973. 394p
FLANDRIN, Jean-Louis; MONTANARI, Massimo (org.) História da Alimentação. São Paulo, Estação Liberdade, 2018. 888p
GLIESSMAN, Stephen R. Agroecologia: Processos Ecológicos em Agricultura Sustentável. Porto Alegre, UFRGS, 2000. 653p.
KHATOUNIAN, Carlos Armênio. A reconstrução ecológica da agricultura. Londrina, Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, 2001. 348p.
KING, Franklin Hiram. Farmers of fourty centuries: organic farming in China, Korea and Japan. Mineola NY, Dover, 2016. 441p
LIEBMAN, M; MOHLER, C. L.; STAVER, C.P. Ecological management of agricultural weeds. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001. 532p
MAZOYER, Marcel; ROUDART, Laurence. História das Agriculturas do Mundo: do neolítico à crise contemporânea. São Paulo, Editora Unesp, 2010. 568 PERLIN, John. A forest journey: the story of wood and civilization. Woodstock, Countryman Press, 2005. 464p
POLLAN, Michael. O dilema do onívoro. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Intrínseca, 2007. 497p.