Course - detail

LGN5803 - Evolution

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Giancarlo Conde Xavier Oliveira

The study of the basic mechanisms of micro- and macroevolution, with emphasis on two aspects: (1)
the current fusion of the elements of the Sinthetic Theory with those of Neutralism, with the aim of
offering the theoretical bases to understand the rising, amplification and modification of diversity, and its
variable relation with the adaptation to the environment; and (2) the advances in the area of Molecular

Unifying concepts in Biology. History of Evolutionary Theory; Synthetic Theory of Evolution; Population
parameters. Genetic structure of populations; Genetic variation in natural populations and its causes:
Mutation. Recombination and reproductive systems; polyploidy and structural changes in chromosomes;
Genetic drift and Neutralism; Migration; Hybridation; Adaptation: the controversy of the last 30 years.
Speciation mechanisms. Evolution above the species level; Caryotype evolution; Molecular Evolution:
homology, neutrality tests, multigenes families, evolution of genomes. Phylogenetic theory and
Molecular Systematics.

I) Livros texto, introdutórios e outros:
RICKLEFS, R.; RELYEA, R. A economia da natureza. 7ª. ed. São Paulo: Guanabara-Koogan, 2016.
FUTUYMA, D.J. Evolution (4th ed.) Sinauer Associates. 2017.
RIDLEY, M. Evolution.(4rd ed.) Oxford : Oxford University Press. 2004.
LOSOS, J.(ed.) The Princeton guide to Evolution. Princeton University Press. 2013
LEWIN, R. Patterns in evolution. Nova Iorque : Scientific American Library . 1999.
FREEMAN, S.; HERRON, J.C. Evolutionary Analysis (5th ed.) . Scott Freeman and Jon C. Herron,
II) Textos clássicos e históricos
DARWIN, C. R. A origem das espécies. S.Paulo : Hemus. 1981.
MAYR, E. & PROVINE, W. B. The evolutionary sinthesis. Perspectives on the unification of Biology. :
Cambridge : Harvard University Press. 1998.
DOBZHANSKY, T.H. Genetics and the Origin of Species. New York : Columbia University Press.
DOBZHANSKY, T.H.; AYALA, F.J.; STEBBINGS, G.L.; VALENTINE, J.W. Evolution. W.H. Freeman, San
Francisco. 1977.
STEBBINS, G.L. Flowering Plants. Evolution above the Species Level. Cambridge : Harvard
University Press. 1974.
III) Textos para aulas específicas:
LOSOS, J.B. Improbable Destinies. Fate, chance, and the future of evolution. New York: Riverhead
Books. 2017.
SCHLICHTING, C. ; PIGLIUCCI, M. Phenotypic evolution: a reaction norm perspective. Sunderland :
Sinauer Associates . 1998.
ROSE, M. R. ; LAUDER, G. V. (eds.) Adaptation. San Diego : Academic Press. 1996.
HILLIS, D.M., MORITZ,C.; MABLE, B. K. Molecular Systematics. Sunderland : Sinauer Associates.
AVISE, J.C. Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution. New York : Chapman & Hall . 1994.
SELANDER, R.K.; CLARK, A.G.; WHITTAM, T.G. (Eds.). Evolution at the Molecular Level. Sunderland :
Sinauer. 1991.
LI, W-H & GRAUR, D. Fundamentals of molecular evolution. Sunderland : Sinauer Associates. 2000.
ENDLER, J.A. Natural Selection in the Wild. Princeton : Princenton University Press. 1986.
GRANT, V. The Evolutionary Process. New York : Columbia University Press. 1985.
GRANT, V. Plant Speciation. New York : Columbia University Press. 1981.