Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
4 |
4 |
8 |
12 weeks |
120 hours |
Demóstenes Ferreira da Silva Filho
Magda Adelaide Lombardo
Analyze the theoretical and methodological foundations for studies and research related to urban climate highlighting aspects of the urban landscape and its influences on health and quality of life on the local scale.Enable methods and techniques of analysis and mapping applied to health management and studies of the distribution and dynamics of the geographic components of morbidity and mortality.This discipline aims to broaden the socio-environmental debate in urban areas in order to resolve emerging conflicts, seeking a project of quality and resilience and thus be able to contribute to evaluate public health policies.
Theoretical-methodological bases of the study of the urban climate and its approach scales.
Methods and techniques for investigating the climate of cities.
The Urban Climate system.
Urban Landscape.
Urban open spaces and the main typologies of urban green.
Urban climate and city planning.
Anthropogenic derivations in the landscape.
Physical planning of the urban landscape.
Geoecological constraints of cities.
Geographical approach of the influences of weather and climate on the health and disease conditions of the population.
Climate, the emergence of new diseases, international and national debates and health.
Vulnerability and climate risk management in cities.
The evolution and expansion of endemics and vector zoning.
Methods and techniques of analysis and mapping applied to health management.
Distribution and dynamics of geographic components of human morbidity and mortality.
The classification of diseases and their spatial distribution.
The classification of diseases and their spatial distribution.
Public health services and policies.
Case studies.
This course covers the theoretical and conceptual foundations about the urban climate. Analysis of open spaces and urban landscape, making it possible to assess health and quality of life problems in cities. The importance of climate and green areas in city planning will be highlighted. Methods and techniques of analysis and mapping given to health management and studies of the distribution and dynamics of the geographical components of human morbidity and mortality will be determined. It is intended to assess the socio-environmental conditions inherent in urban areas and their role in the health and quality of life of the population.
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