Course detail

LCF5737 - Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Teresa Cristina Magro Lindenkamp
Victor Eduardo Lima Ranieri

Have an overview on recreational demand in protected areas; Discuss the effects of recreation in protected areas as an important issue for administrators, visitors and scientists; Identify the ecological and social effects arising from recreational activities; Present the current methodologies for the evaluation of recreation impacts in protected areas; know how to select efficient indicators for monitoring environmental and social conditions; Identify management strategies to reduce the impact on protected areas.

1. Use and users of protected areas: social aspects of outdoor recreation and visitor behavior. 2. Understanding impacts on wild areas and their importance for administrators, visitors and scientists; 3. Recreational carrying capacity; 4. Environmental impacts: fauna, vegetation, soils, water; 5. Social aspects of outdoor recreation; 6. Public use impact assessment systems; 7. Use of indicators to monitor environmental conditions and social aspects of recreation in natural areas; 8. Guidelines for Visiting Protected Areas in Brazil.

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GRAEFE, A.R., KUSS, F.R., VASKE, J.J. 1990. Visitor Impact Management. The Planning Framework. National Parks and Conservation Association, Washington, D.C. 105 pag. (V.2).
Kabashima, Yukie ; Brun, F. G.K. ; Isernhagen, Ingo ; MAGRO, Teresa Cristina . EFEITOS NEGATIVOS NAS PROPRIEDADES DO SOLO EM TRILHAS DE ÁREAS NATURAIS. In: Álvaro Boson de Castro Faria;ELEANDRO JOSÉ BRUN;FERNANDA FERRARI. (Org.). Atualidades em Ciências Florestais e Biológicas (Ciflorbio). 1ed.Curitiba-PR: Editora UTFPR, 2016, v. 1, p. 53-79. 5.
KUSS, F.R., GRAEFE, A.R., VASKE, J.J. (1990). Visitor impact management: A review of research. Washington D.C.: National Parks and Conservation Association, v.1.
HAMMITT, W.E. COLE, D.N. Wildland recreation. Ecology and management. 2. ed. New York: John Wiley, 1998. 361 p.
Leung, Yu-Fai, Spenceley, Anna, Hvenegaard, Glen, e Buckley, Ralf (eds.) (2019). Turismo e gestão da visitação em áreas protegidas. Diretrizes para sustentabilidade. Série Diretrizes para melhores Práticas para Áreas Protegidas No. 27, Gland, Suiça: UICN. xii + 120 pp.
MAGRO-LINDENKAMP, Teresa C.; Leung, Yu_Fai. Managing environmental impacts of tourism. In: Stephen F. McCool, Keith Bosak. (Org.). A research Agenda for Sustainable Tourism. 1ed.massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019, v. 1, p. 223-238.
MAGRO-LINDENKAMP, Teresa C.; PASSOLD, Anna Julia. Coping with the Effects of Tourism in Natural Aeras. In: André de Almeida Cunha, Teresa Cristina Magro-Lindenkamp, Stephen Ford McCool. (Org.). Tourism and Protected Areas in Brazil: Challenges and Perspectives. 1ed.Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2018, v. 1, p. 1-24. 3.
MANNING, Robert E. (2007). Parks and carrying capacity: commons without tragedy. Island Press, Washington. 313 pag.
São Paulo, (2010). Manual de Monitoramento e Gestão dos Impactos da Visitação em Unidades de Conservação. São Paulo: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. 78 p.