Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
2 |
2 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
José Nivaldo Garcia
To provide the student with the basic and indispensable knowledge of the structure theory so that he can understand the essentials of the tests to determine the different physical and mechanical properties of the wood, which can be carried out in the laboratory or "in loco". To quantify the natural variability of the basic properties of the wood within forest populations and the one introduced by the strategies of production of sawn wood and to act, within probabilistic criteria, in the quantification of the safety in the structural use of the wood. Provide students with the necessary tools to understand the fundamentals of lumber tree conversion, the implications of different cutting strategies, and the influence of log moisture wood logs characteristics on process and the final product quality.
1. Properties and Physical Characteristics of Wood:
- Moisture
- Density
- Porosity
- Dimensional variation
- Characteristics of wood qualification
- Characteristics of disqualification of wood
- Interrelations between physical properties
2. Mechanical Properties of Wood:
- Compression strenght in paralel to the grain
- Compression streinght on normal to the grain
- Static bending streinght
- Tensile strenght in parallel to the grain
- Tensile Strenght in normal to the grain
- Tensile strength at cracking resistance limit
- Compression stress at proportional limit in parallel to the grain
- Compression stress at proporcional limit in normal to the grain
- Tensile stress at proportional limit in paralel to the grain
- Tensile stress at proporcional limit in normal to the grain
- Shear strength
- Janka hardness
- Abrasion resistance
- Shock resistance
- Traction and compression flexibility and rigidith matrix
- Interrelationships between mechanical properties
3. Comparisons with other Materials:
- Concrete
- Steel
- Iron
- Aluminum
- Plastic
- Bamboo
4. Interrelations between the Physical and Mechanical Properties of wood.
5. Calculation of isostatic and hyperstatic wood structures
- by strenght of the materials
- by the matricial method
- displacements due to material elasticity
- displacements by the principle of virtual works
- displacements by elasticity theory
6. The variability of the physical and mechanical properties of wood and the structures safety
- characteristic strenght
- calculation by the semi-probabilistic method
7. Connections of round pieces or sawn timber
- screws
- metal connectors
- metal rings
- adhesives
8. Distribution of bending stress along beam height
- linear
- non linear
9. Growth stresses and strains in stems
- peripheral stresses and strains
- distribution along the tree radius
- displacements on lumber during and after the unfolding
10. Engineered Wood Products
- types and characteristics
- wood glue
- types of adhesives
- characteristics of wood affecting bonding
- Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam)
- Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)
- Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL)
- Edge Glued Panel (EGP)
- protrusion on wooden beams
11. Wood engineering and genetic improvement
- gain in properties
- gain in structure
12. Sawmill projects and prefabricated structures
- radial breakdown
- tengential breakdown
- tangential balanced breakdown
- layout of sawmills
- native woods case
- Pinus case
- Eucalyptus case
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