Course detail

LCF5882 - Agroforestry Systems

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
8 weeks
120 hours

Ciro Abbud Righi

Provide the student with a critical analysis of agriculture in the tropics in face of its own environmental
and social characteristics. Introduce the basic concepts of Agroforestry Systems in their different forms
of land use with their ecological, physiological, social, production and economic interactions. To train
people and able to criticize and dialogue, being able to diagnose the limitations presented by a system,
determine the mechanisms of intervention and develop techniques to enable its implementation. Expand
the ability to understand your personal and professional insertion through contact with different
situations and possibilities. Provide the subsidies for the understanding of the biophysical and
physiological interactions between the components (trees, crops, animals) of an Agroforestry System
and their economic and social implications. To train professionals capable of working in Agroforestry
Systems in the fields of rural extension, biological and sociological research and planning. At the end of
the course students should be able to adjust their technical recommendations to the various conditions
and scales found - system, property, landscape and regional. They should also be able to interconnect
disciplines from different areas, such as botany, soil and nutrition, plant and animal physiology,
agrometeorology and economics.

1. Concepts and Principles: Introduction of the subject, main concepts and principles in Agroforestry
Systems (AFS), role of AFS in the land-use systems.
2. Components of an Agroforestry System: Basic components and interactions in an AFS. Interactions
above and below ground and its effects on the growth and productivity of trees and crops. Basic
processes of capture and use of productive resources and flow in the system.
3. Agroforestry Technologies: Focused on the development of traditional technologies and practices of
land-use. Based on the concepts inserted, this part of the course reinforces the classification concepts of
agroforestry technologies, potential uses and constraints. Description of the AFS components,
management and objectives of the most common technologies employed. Identification of traditional
agroforestry practices and their development.
4. Social and Economic Aspects: Introduces the basic social concepts, such as land tenure, gender,
culture and economic valuation of an AFS. It aims to provide a basis for the development of agroforestry
technologies that are more socially and economically appropriate and as an alternative to land-use
systems. Observe farmers' views on techniques, their values, tradition, etc. Describe the socio-economic
factors that should be considered in the interventions. Check how gender and culture relate to AFS.
Determine the costs and benefits of agroforestry ventures.
5. Developing Agroforestry Interventions: Provides the basis for the characterization and diagnosis of
rural properties, which will be the tools and approaches used to develop agroforestry interventions
appropriate to each system and easily adopted by farmers. This part combines the social, economic and
land use aspects of agroforestry. List and describe the basic concepts for the characterization and
diagnosis of the land-use systems. Develop and design appropriate agroforestry interventions.
6. Extension in Agroforestry: Introduces the concepts and general principles of the extension,
monitoring of projects, evaluation and application of AFS. To present the aspects involved in the
planning and management of AFS. Monitor and evaluate agroforestry activities.

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