/tʃˈipˈi tʃˈi/

Palmeira da família Palmae, da espécie Desmoncus polyacanthos Mart.

Nota 1 e 2: Ela ocorre na floresta atlântica, em restingas litorâneas e na floresta amazônica. Seu caule é agregado e escandente. Suas folhas com bainha, armada de espinhos retos, com a base intumescida, o pecíolo, raque e flagelo armados e base intumescida, pinas distribuídas de forma irregular e as do ápice modificadas em espinhos retorcidos. Seus frutos são de cor avermelhada ou alaranjada, quando maduros.


A palm tree of the family Palmae, of the species Desmoncus polyacanthos Mart.

Note 1 and 2: It occurs in the Atlantic Rain Forest, in coast sandbanks and in the Amazon Rain Forest. Its stem is aggregated and hooked. Its leaves have their sheaths armed with straight thorns with a swollen base, its petiole, rack and whip are also armed of thorns with a swollen base, its pines are distributed irregularly and the tops ones are modified in twisted thorns. Its fruits are reddish or orange when ripen.

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