
Palmeira da família Palmae, da espécie Bactris Acanthocarpa Mart. (B. acanthocarpoides Barb. Rodr.; Astrocaryum hurnile Wall.).

Nota 1 e 2: Ocorre da Amazônia à Bahia. É de porto pequeno, espinhenta, das folhas se obtém a famosa fibra, utilizada desde os mais antigos povos aborígenes para o fabrico de linhas de pescar, redes e outros artefatos. Tem o espique curto, de 50-100 cm, mas as folhas atingem em média de 2 cm de comprimento, raque com espata armada de agressivos e fortes espinhos; fruto drupa globosa, também armada.

/ˈbaktrə̇s əˌkan(t)thəˈkärˌpə/

A palm tree of the family Palmae, of the species Bactris Acanthocarpa Mart. (B. acanthocarpoides Barb. Rodr.; Astrocaryum hurnile Wall.).  

Note 1 and 2: It occurs from Amazonia to Bahia state. It is of a small size, thorny, and a famous fiber is obtained from its leaves, used since the most ancient aboriginal civilizations to the fabrication of fishing lines, fishnets, and other artifacts. It has a short stipe, of 50-100 cm, but the leaves reach approximately 2 cm long, spine with an armed spate rachis of harsh and strong thorns; globose drupe fruit, also armed with thorns.

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