
Planta da família Palmae, da espécie Attalea microcarpa Mart. (Attalea agrestis  Barb. Rodr.).

Nota 1 e 2: Ela ocorre nos estados do Pará e Maranhão. Ela é pequena e acaule, copa com 5-8 folhas, recurvadas. Fruto drupa ovoide medindo 4 x 3 cm, de epicarpo e mesocarpo alourado e fibroso, endocarpo ósseo, alourado, acuminado e 3-locular. As amêndoas moídas constituem em farinha alimentar dos nativos.


/ˈmau̇n-tᵊn mə-ˈrē-pə/

A palm tree of the family Palmae, of the species Attalea microcarpa Mart. (Attalea agrestis Barb. Rodr.). 

Nota 1 and 2: It occurs in Pará and Maranhão states. It is small and has a stem; the canopy has 5-8 recurved leaves. The fruit is a round drupe measuring 4 x 3 cm of diameter. It has a fibrous yellow epicarp and mesocarp and a yellowish bony acute oblong endocarp with three sides. The groundnuts compose a feeding flour for the native ones.

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