
Planta da família Palmae, da espécie Orbignya pixuna Barb. Rodr. (A. spectabilis  Mart. var.  monosperma Barb. Rodr.). 

Nota 1 e 2: Ela ocorre na Amazônia, especialmente nas margens do rio Tapajós. Folhas grandes que atingem mais de 7 m, com pecíolos de 1,0 m. Fruto drupa ovoide, revestida de tomento acastanhado, medindo 8,5 x 5cm de diâmetro; epicarpo fibroso, endocarpo carnoso-farinoso, bispermo, contendo amêndoa oleosa, comestível; este óleo representa 51% de matéria gorda, branca, de aroma agradável. 


A palm tree of the family Palmae, of the species Orbignya pixuna Barb. Rodr. (A. spectabilis  Mart. var.  monosperma Barb. Rodr.). 

Note 1 and 2: It occurs in Amazonia, especially in the banks of Tapajós River. Its leaves are big reaching 7m long, with petioles of 1.10 m. The fruit is a round drupe covered by a brownish coat of 8.5 x 5 cm of diameter. It has a fibrous epicarp and a fleshy flowered endocarp, bisperm with an oily and edible seed; this oil represents 51% of the fat and white matter and it is of nice smell.

Categoria gramatical: 