
Árvore da família Lauraceae, da espécie Nectandra grandiflora Nees. 

Nota 1 e 2: Ela ocorre em todo o Brasil. Ela é grande, podendo atingir até 25 m de altura. Possui raminhos fusco-acinzentados; folhas simples, alternas, pecioladas, obovadas, obtuso-acuminadas, de até 15 cm de comprimento e 5 cm de largura, coriáceas, glabras na face superior e amareladas na inferior; flores hermafroditas, glabras, pálidas, reunidas em cimeiras de 3-5 e estas dispostas em panículas corimbiformes e glabras; fruto baga elipsoide de 2 cm.


A tree of the family Lauraceae, of the species Nectandra grandiflora Nees. 

Note 1 and 2: It occurs all over Brazil. It is tall, reaching up to 25 m of height. It has umber-greyish little branches; simple, alternate, obovate, coriaceous leaves, which are also obtuse-acuminate and have petioles. In their top surface, the leaves are glabrous and in their bottom ones, they have a yellow colouration. In general, they reach until 15 cm of length and 5 cm of width. The flowers are hermaphrodite, glabrous, and pale; they are gathered in summits 3-5, which are arranged in corimbiform and glabrous panicles. The fruits are semi-ellipsoid berries, with 2 cm. 

Categoria gramatical: 