
Planta da família Iridaceae da espécie Watsonia meriana (L.) Mill. 

Nota 1 e 2: Originária da África do Sul, de 50-90 cm de altura, com florescimento decorativo. Ela é herbácea, bulbífera, perene, entouceirada de tamanho variável. Suas folhas longas laminares, verde-claras, coriáceas. Inflorescências eretas, altas, com flores sem pedúnculo, tubulares com corola expandida, de cor rósea, formada na primavera. Cultivada em bordaduras, acompanhando muros, paredes, grades e conjuntos em canteiros a pleno sol. Aprecia clima frio e multiplica-se por touceiras.

/ˈpiŋk byügəl ˈlilē/

A plant of the family Iridaceae, of the species Watsonia meriana (L.) Mill. 

Note 1 and 2: It is from Southern Africa, with 50-90 cm high and decorative flowering. It is herbaceous, bulbiferous, evergreen, grown in clumps, with various size. Its leaves are long, laminated, light green, and coriaceous. Erect and tall inflorescence. Flowers without peduncle, tubular ones with expanded corolla of pink color formed in spring. It is cultivated in border, following the external and internal walls, grids and groups of flowers in seedbeds in full sun. It’s best suitable for cold climates and multiplies in clumps.

Categoria gramatical: 