Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
2 |
2 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Luciano Mendes
The aim of the course is to present the various theories used in organizational studies, such as contingency theory, theory of organizational ecology, institutional theory, theory of organizational economics, theory of organizational learning, critical theory and postmodern theory, among other, more current theories.
Studying the main theoretical aspects in the context of organizational studies shows differences in epistemological and paradigmatic terms of theories, administrative history and organizational theories; and current theoretical conceptions in organizational studies.
ARNAUD, G. The contribution of psychoanalysis to organization studies and management: an overview. Organization Studies, v. 33, n. 9, p. 1121-1135, 2012.
BAKKEN, T.; HERNES, T. Organizing is both a verb and a noun: Weick meets Whitehead. Organization Studies, v.27, n.11, p.1599-1616, 2006.
BEYES, T.; STEYAERT, C. Spacing organization: non-representational theory and performing organizational space. Organization, v. 19, n. 1, p. 45-61, 2012.
BOURDIEU, P. O poder simbólico. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 1998.
CLEGG, S. R.; HARDY, C.; NORD, W. R. (Orgs.) Handbook de estudos organizacionais. São Paulo: Atlas, 2004 (Vol. 1, 2 e 3)
CLEGG, S.; DUNKERLEY, D. Organization, class and control. New York: Routledge, 2013.
DiMAGGIO, P. J.; POWELL, W. W. A gaiola de ferro revisitada: isomorfismo institucional e racionalidade coletiva nos campos organizacionais. Revista de Administração de Empresas - RAE, v.45, n.2, p.74-89,
DOKKO, G.; KANE, A. A.; TORTORIELLO, Marco. One of us or one of my friends: How social identity and tie strength shape the creative generativity of boundary-spanning ties. Organization Studies, v. 35, n. 5, p. 703-726, 2014.
DYE, K.; MILLS, A. J.; WEATHERBEE, T. Maslow man interrupted – reading management theory in context. Management Decision, v.43, n.10, p.1375- 1747, 2005.
FOUCAULT, M. Vigiar e punir: história da violência nas prisões. 25a ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2002.
GARVIN, D. A. The processes of organization and management. Sloan management review, v. 39, 2012.
GUERREIRO RAMOS, A. A Nova Ciência das Organizações: uma reconceituação da riqueza das nações. Rio de Janeiro/RJ: FGV, 1981.
HATCH, M. J. Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2012.
KILDUFF, M.; DOUGHERTY, D. Change and development in a pluralistic world: the view from the classics. Academy of Management Review, v.25, n.4, p.777-782, 2000. PEAUCELLE, J. From Taylorism to Post-Taylorism simultaneously pursuing several management objectives. Journal of Organizational Change Management, v.13, n.5, p.452-464, 2000.
KODEIH, F.; GREENWOOD, R. Responding to institutional complexity: The role of identity. Organization Studies, v. 35, n. 1, p. 7-39, 2014.
LAMPEL, J.; HONIG, B.; DRORI, I. Organizational Ingenuity: Concept, Processes and Strategies. Organization Studies, v. 35, n. 4, p. 465-482, 2014.
MCKINLAY, A.; CARTER, C.; PEZET, E. Governmentality, power and organization. Management & Organizational History, v. 7, n. 1, p. 3-15, 2012.
PARKER, L. D.; RITSON, P. Fads, stereotypes and management gurus: Fayol and Follet today. Management Decision, v.43, n.10, p.1335-1357, 2005.
SCOTT, W. R. et al. Institutional environments and organizations: structural complexity and individualism. London: Sage, 1994.
SLAGER, R.; GOND, J.; MOON, J.. Standardization as institutional work: The regulatory power of a responsible investment standard. Organization Studies, v. 33, n. 5-6, p. 763-790, 2012.
SØRENSEN, B. M. Changing the memory of suffering: An organizational aesthetics of the dark side. Organization Studies, v. 35, n. 2, p. 279-302, 2014.
TRAGTENBERG, M. Sobre educação, política e sindicalismo. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2004.
WEBER, M. Economia e sociedade. Brasília: UnB, 2004.
WEICK, K. E. Making sense of the organization: the impermanent organization. Vol. 2. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
WEICK, K. E. Sensemaking in organization. London: Sage, 1995.
ZHANG, J.; LUO, X. D. Dared to Care: Organizational Vulnerability, Institutional Logics, and MNCs’ Social Responsiveness in Emerging Markets. Organization Science, v. 24, n. 6, p. 1742-1764, 2013.