Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
2 |
2 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Lucilio Rogerio Aparecido Alves
The objectives of this course are to:
a) Discuss the concept of management and decision making processes, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and agribusiness companies’ decision making.
b) Provide the basic tools needed to measure management performance, financial progress and the financial condition of rural business.
c) To present basic principles of microeconomics.
d) Structure partial and complete agricultural budgets.
e) Discuss the risk control, tax management, investment analysis and analysis of developments.
f) Discuss the strategies of acquisition of fixed assets through capital and credit, focusing on land and machinery.
g) Develop agricultural property sustainability indicators.
Management of agricultural businesses; Agricultural accounting and performance evaluation indicators; Structure of rural property management function; systemic view of the factors involved in agricultural business management; Production cost; agricultural business and assets; Operationalization of assets; Working capital in agriculture; Sustainability of the agricultural business; Annual cost recovery of assets; Opportunity cost of the activities of agricultural businesses; rate of return and risk of the agricultural business; Losses and capital gains; Total return on equity; Investment analysis; Capital and credit; Earth: control and use; Government policies affecting the agribusiness around the world.
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