

ADM4011 - Economy of Organizations

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Decio Zylbersztajn
Margarete Boteon
Vivian Lara dos Santos Silva Rossignolo

The course aims to discuss the origins of the approaches’ strategies and their influence on current approaches. The starting point is the Neoclassical Theory and its criticism, through the new theories of the firm.

The program of the course is divided into four parts. The first begins with a discussion of what strategy is. The following are questions about the feasibility of building strategies based on theoretical assumptions of neoclassical economics. The Transaction Costs Theory - which comes as a criticism of traditional economic theory - is then applied to discuss why the hypothesis of alignment aborts the creation of a strategy theory. The second part discussed the elements of the Theory of the Firm Strategy and then elements from the perspective of the main theorists are covered. The third part shows the agent's strategy - the entrepreneur and discusses his/her role in the creation and capture of value. In the latter part, special topics are discussed with a view to new approaches such as the contribution of economic sociology to the strategy.

ALCHIAN, A. A.; DEMSETZ, H. Production, information costs and economic organization. American Economic Information Review, 62(5) December, pp. 777-95, 2004.
ARGOTE, L.; REN, Y. Transactive memory systems: A microfoundation of dynamic capabilities. Journal of Management Studies, 49(8), p. 1375-1382, 2012.
BARNEY, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, vol. 17, pp. 99-120, 1991.
BESANKO, D.; DRANOVE; M.; SHANLEY; S. A Economia da estratégia. 5ª edição. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2012. CALLOIS, J. Social interaction and economic organization: Toward an integrative microeconomic model. Economics Letters, 121(1), pp. 98-100, 2013.
COASE R. H. The Nature of the firm. Economica (n.s.) 386,1937.
COFF, R. W. When competitive advantage doesn’t lead to performance: The resource-based view and stakeholder bargaining power, Organization Science, 10, pp. 119-133, 1999.
The effect of meso-institutions on adoption of sustainable agricultural technology: A case study of the Brazilian Low Carbon Agriculture Plan. Journal oF Cleaner Production, 280, 2021.
FARINA, E. M. M. Q.; AZEVEDO, P. S.; SAES, M. S. M. Competitividade: Mercado, estado e organizações. São Paulo: Editora Singular, 1997.
FOSS, N.; LOASBY, B. (Ed.). Economic organization, capabilities and coordination. New York: Routledge, 2013.
KIM, J.; MAHONEY, J. T. Appropriating economic rents from resources: An integrative property rights and resource-based approach Int. J. Strategic Change Management, 4(1/2), 2007.
KOR, Y. Y.; MESKO, A. Dynamic managerial capabilities: Configuration and orchestration of top executives' capabilities and the firm's dominant logic. Strategic Management Journal, 34(2), pp. 233- 244, 2013.
MAHONEY, J. T. Economic foundations of strategy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005.
MAHUTGA, M. C. Global models of networked organization, the positional power of nations and economic development. Review of International Political Economy, 21(1), pp. 157-194, 2014.
MENARD, C.; SAES, M.S.M.; SILVA, V.L.; RAYNAULD, E. (Orgs.). Challenges to economic organization.
1. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2014.
MENARD, C. Plural Forms of organization: Where do we stand. Working Paper, 2012. MOLS, N. P. Economic explanations for concurrent sourcing. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, pp. 324- 56, 2010.
MENARD, C., & Shirley, M. M. (Eds.). (2005). A New Institutional approach to organization (cap. 12). Handbook of new institutional economics, vol.9. Dordrecht: Springer
PAMIGIANI, Anne. Why do firms both make and buy? An Investigation of concurrent sourcing. Strategic Management Journal. 28, pp. 285–311, 2007.
PENROSE, E. A teoria do crescimento da firma. Campinas: Editora Unicamp. 2002. PORTER, M. E. What is strategy? Harvard Business Review. November- December, 1986.
SAES, M.S.M. Estratégias de diferenciação e apropriac pequena escala. São Paulo: Annablume, 2009.
o da quase-renda na agricultura: A produção de
SILVA, V.L. Social drivers in food technology. 1. ed. Zurique: Springer, 2021.
O curso seguirá formato híbrido, com aulas presenciais e remotas, conforme cronograma a ser previamente apresentado aos alunos matriculados.
The course will follow a hybrid format, with in-person and remote classes, following a schedule to be previously presented to the students.
CRITÉRIOS DE AVALIAÇÃO (máximo 160 caracteres) Português:
Aulas expositivas com leituras determinadas seguindo conteúdo programático do curso. Em cada aula, as discussões teóricas serão enriquecidas com a participação ativa dos alunos, apresentando os trabalhos alvo de interesse da aula, conforme divisão a ser previamente estabelecida.
Avaliação composta da participação nas aulas (40%) e na realização de trabalho final (ensaio individual) com enfoque no estudo das estratégias das organizações (60%). O trabalho deverá abordar perspectiva abordada no curso, sendo composto de 5 a 7 páginas (espaçamento 1,5) e da seguinte estrutura:
(1) Introdução com justificativa do ensaio e questão problema (1/2 pg), (2) Discussão teórica com contextualização de autores chave para a questão de interesse (3 pgs), (3) Parte empírica / Caso ilustrando a teoria abordada (1 a 2 pgs), (4) Considerações finais (1/2 pg), além das (5) Referências.
Lectures with determined readings following the course syllabus. In each class, theoretical discussions will be enriched with the participation of students, presenting the target studies according to a division to be previously established.
Composite evaluation of participation in classes (40%) and a manuscript (individual essay) with a focus on the study of organizational strategies (60%). The manuscript should address the perspective addressed in the course, consisting of 5 to 7 pages (1.5 spacing) and the following structure:
(1) Introduction with justification and problem question (1/2 pg), (2) Theoretical discussion with contextualization of key authors for the question of interest (3 pgs), (3) Empirical part / Case illustrating the theory addressed (1 to 2 pgs), (4) Final considerations (1/2 pg), and (5) References.
STOELHORST, J. W.; RICHERSON, Peter J. A naturalistic theory of economic organization. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 90, pp. S45-S56, 2013.
TEECE, D. J; PISANO, G.; SHUEN A. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal; Aug, 2010.
TEECE, D. J. Dynamic capabilities: Routines versus entrepreneurial action. Journal of Management Studies, 49(8), pp. 1395-1401, 2012.
WERNERFELT, B A. The resource-based view of the Firm: Ten Years After. Strategic Management Journal, 16(3), pp. 171-174, 1995.
WILLIAMS, David E. et al. Validation of low-cost ozone measurement instruments suitable for use in an air-quality monitoring network. Measurement Science and Technology, 24(6), pp. 065803, 2013.
WILLIAMSON, O. E. The Economics of governance. The American Economic Review, 95(2), pp. 1-18, 2005.