Advisors and research areas

Experimental statistics

Development and comparison of techniques of experiment planning and optimal designs. Development and comparison of statistical techniques and models, classical and Bayesian, univariate and multivariate for the analysis of data obtained from previously planned experiments and studies by sampling, possibly taking into consideration spatial distribution and temporal distribution and possible neighborhood effects.

César Gonçalves de Lima Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Gabriel Adrian Sarries Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Marcelo Andrade da Silva Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Renata Alcarde Sermarini Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Silvio Sandoval Zocchi Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Sonia Maria de Stefano Piedade Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Taciana Villela Savian Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid

Regression models and extensions

Development and comparison of techniques of linear statistical models, generalized linear models and nonlinear models under classical and Bayesian approach for the analysis of discrete and continuous data, incorporating overdispersion, and excess zeros, repeated measures, and growth curves. Genetic models.

Afrânio Márcio Correa Vieira Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
César Gonçalves de Lima Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Cristian Marcelo Villegas Lobos Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Idemauro Antonio Rodrigues de Lara Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Rafael de Andrade Moral Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Renata Alcarde Sermarini Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Silvio Sandoval Zocchi Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Sonia Maria de Stefano Piedade Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Taciana Villela Savian Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid

Spatial models, time models and extensions

Development and comparison of techniques in the Spatial Statistics, Geostatistics, Time Series and Spatial Time Series Analysis under a classical and Bayesian approach.

Idemauro Antonio Rodrigues de Lara Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Sonia Maria de Stefano Piedade Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Taciana Villela Savian Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Vitor Augusto Ozaki Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid

Survival analysis and extensions

Development and comparison of techniques and statistical models to analyze data whose dependent variable is the time until the occurrence of an event (e.g., death of an individual, germinating a seed, gain of a given weight). These data are often censored, that is, observations are incomplete in that, for some reason, the event or the time of the event cannot be observed, causing further complications for analysis and the need for new methods. Classical and Bayesian approach.

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Edwin Moises Marcos Ortega Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Fábio Prataviera Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid
Rafael de Andrade Moral Lattes Research ID Scopus Orcid