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LGN5831 - Tópicos Especiais de Genética e Melhoramento

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por semana
15 semanas
120 horas

Docentes responsáveis
Antonio Vargas de Oliveira Figueira
Daniel Scherer de Moura
Jose Baldin Pinheiro
Michele Jorge Silva Siqueira

A disciplina visa oferecer aos alunos de Doutorado uma formação mais abrangente, atualizada e avançada sobre diferentes temas da Genética e do Melhoramento.

O Programa consta de Tópicos Especiais dentro dos seguintes itens: Genética Quantitativa, Genética de Populações, Genética de Microrganismos, Genética Molecular, Citogenética, Evolução, Biotecnologia na agropecuária e agroindústria, Técnicas experimentais para o melhoramento genético, Germoplasma: manutenção e uso, Eficiência dos métodos de melhoramento, Estratégias para o melhoramento conjunto de vários caracteres, Interação genótipo versus ambiente, Técnicas moleculares aplicadas ao melhoramento.

ALLARD, R.W. Princípios do Melhoramento Genético de Plantas. Ed. Edgard Blücher, SP (Trad.). 1960. ALTUKHOV, Y.P. Population Genetics: Diversity and Stability. London: Harwood Academic, 1992. AZEVEDO, J.L. Genética de Microrganismos. Goiânia: UFG, 1998. BAKER, R.J. Selection Indices in Plant Breeding. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1986. 218 p. BOROJEVIC, S. Principles and Methods of Plant Breeding. Netherlands: Elsevier Publishing, Inc. Amsterdan, 1990. 368 p. BROWN, T.A. Gene Cloning. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995, 387p. C.J. BOS Fungal Genetics: Principles and Practice. New York : Marcel Dekker, 1996. CHOO, K.H.A. The Centromere. New York: Oxford University Press. 1997. CHRISPEELS, M.J. & SADAVA, D.E. Plants, Genes, and Crop Biotechnology. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, 2003, 561 p. CHRITIANSEN, M.N.; LEWIS, C.F. (eds.) Breeding Plants for Less Favorable Environments. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982. 459 p. FALCONER, D.S.; MACKAY, T.F.C.
Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 4ª ed. London: Longman, 1996. 464 p. FORD-LLOYD, B.; M. JACKSON, M. Plant Genetic Resources: An Introduction to Their Conservations and Use. Baltimore, Edward Arnold, 1986. 146 p. FRANKEL, R. (ed.), . Heterosis: Reappraisal of Theory and Practice. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1983. 290 p. FREY, K.J. (ed.), Plant Breeding II. Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State University Press, 1981. 497 p. GUPTA, P.K. & TSUCHIYA, T. Chromosome Engineering in Plants. Genetics, Breeding, Evolution. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1991, Part A. 639 p. Part B. 630 p. HALLAUER, A.R.; MIRANDA, J.B. Quantitative Genetics in Plant Breeding. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1988, 468 p. 2ª edição. HESLOP-HARRISON, J.S. ; FLAVEL, R.B. The chromosome. Oxford: BIOS. 1993. JOHNSTON, J.R. Molecular Genetics of Yeast. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1994. KIPLING, D. The Telomere. New York : Oxford University Press. 1996. LEWIN, B. Genes VIII. Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, 2004, 1027 p. PATERSON, A.H. Genome Mapping in Plants. San Diego: Academic Press, 1996, 330p. SEARLE, S.R. et al Variance Components. New York: Wiley, 1992. TERZAGHI, E.A.; WILKINS, A.S. ; PENNY, D. Molecular Evolution. Boston: Jones and Bartlett. 1984. VIRMANI,S.S. Heterosis and Hybrid Rice Breeding. Berlim: Springer-Verlag, 1994 Periódicos Nature Genetics; Genes and Development; Genetics; Cell; Molecular Cell; Trends in Genetics; Trends in Plant Sciences; Current Opinion in Plant Biology; Heredity; Genome Research; Annual Review of Genetics; Annual R. Plant Biology; Chromosoma; Crop Science; EMBO Journal; Molecular Biology and Evolution; Journal of Molecular Evolution; Mopecular Phylogenetics and Evolution; FEMS; Heredity; Journal of Molecular Biology; Molecular and General Genomics; Molecular-Plant Microbe Interactions; Mycologia; Mutation Research; Nature; Nucleic Acids Research; Plant Breeding; Plant Cell; Plant Journal; Plant Molecular Biology; Science; The Plant Cell; Theoretical and Applied Genetics; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA