LCF5151 - Conservation and Population Genetics in Forests Species
LCF5252 - Urban Climate, Landscape, Health and Quality of Life
LCF5500 - Biological Diversity, Introduction, Mensuration and Applications
LCF5510 - Applied Forest Tree Breeding
LCF5555 - Publishing Research Articles
LCF5723 - Forest Soil Fertility and Management
LCF5734 - Laser Technologies for Monitoring Vegetation Coverage
LCF5737 - Environmental Impacts of Public Use in Protected Areas
LCF5738 - Field Taxonomy: Identification of Plant Species
LCF5763 - Properties, Mechanical Processing and Wood Structure
LCF5768 - Wood Basic Characteristics I
LCF5769 - Basic Properties of Wood II
LCF5777 - Urban Forest Ecology
LCF5780 - Wood Formation and Anatomy
LCF5833 - Statistical Inference in Forestry Research
LCF5852 - Physical and Mechanical Wood Properties
LCF5870 - Dendrochronology: Principles and Applications of Tree Rings Analysis
LCF5871 - Special Topics in Forest Resources
LCF5874 - Management of Tropical Native Forests
LCF5875 - Workshop on Higher Education
LCF5876 - Computation in R Environment Applications in Ecology and Forest Resources
LCF5877 - Advanced Forest Biometrics
LCF5880 - Ecological Restoration
LCF5883 - Species Distribution Modeling for Biology Conservation
LCF5888 - Geographic Information Applied to Forest Management
LCF5890 - Ecological Intensification of Forest Plantations
LCF5899 - Biotechnology and Automation in the Production of Forestry Seedlings