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LCF5874 - Manejo de Florestas Nativas Tropicais

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6 semanas
120 horas

Docentes responsáveis
Edson José Vidal da Silva

Capacitar os estudantes na compreensão dos avanços e desafios relacionados aos aspectos ecológicos, econômicos e sociais do manejo de florestas tropicais para promover conservação e desenvolvimento dos recursos florestais nativos.

O programa da disciplina está estruturado em seis (06) grandes tópicos:
(i) Contribuição do manejo florestal de nativas na manutenção da biodiversidade e nas funções do ecossistema; (ii) Indo além da exploração de Impato reduzido: Tratamentos Silviculturais no Manejo de Florestas Nativas; (iii) Resultados de longo prazo do manejo florestal de nativas; (iv) Efeito do manejo florestal na regeneração; (v) Produtos Florestais Não Madeireiros importantes no contexto de comunidades tradicionais; (vi) Efeito da exploração madeireira sobre as espécies e Madeira ilegal.

Textos Obrigatórios
Amaral, P.; Veríssimo, A.; Barreto, P. & Vidal, E. 1998. Floresta para Sempre: Um Manual para a Produção de Madeira na Amazônia. Belém: Imazon. 155 p.http://www.imazon.org.br/novo2008/arquivosdb/FlorestaParaSempre.pdf
Anand Roopsind, Verginia Wortel c, Wedika Hanoeman, Francis E. Putz. Quantifying uncertainty about forest recovery 32-years after selective logging in Suriname . Forest Ecology and Management 391 (2017) 246–255.
Angela Luciana de Avila, Gustavo Schwartz, Ademir Roberto Ruschel, José do Carmo Lopes, José Natalino Macedo Silva c, João Olegário Pereira de Carvalho, Carsten F. Dormann, Lucas Mazzei, Marcio Hofmann Mota Soares, Jürgen Bauhus. Recruitment, growth and recovery of commercial tree species over 30 years following logging and thinning in a tropical rain forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 385 (2017) 225–235.
Brancalion, P. H. S., de Almeida, D. R. A., Vidal, E., Molin, P. G., Sontag, V. E Souza, ., S. E. X. F., Schulze, M. D. Fake legal logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Sci. Adv. 4, eaat1192 (2018).
Carine Klauberg Edson Vidal a, Luiz C.E. Rodriguez, Luis Diaz-Balteiro. Determining the optimal harvest cycle for copaíba (Copaifera spp.) oleoresin production . Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 116–122.
Schulze, M. Grogan, J. Vidal, E. 2008. O manejo florestal como estratégia de conservação e desenvolvimento sócio-econômico da Amazônia: quanto separa os sistemas de exploração madeireira do conceito de manejo florestal sustentável.
Edwards, D.P., Tobias, J.A., Sheil, D., Meijaard, E., and Laurance, W.G. (2014). Maintaining ecosystem function and services in logged tropical forests. Trends. Ecol. Evol. 29, 511–520.
Frank H. Wadsworth, Johan C. Zweede. Liberation: Acceptable production of tropical forest timber. Forest Ecology and Management 233 (2006) 45–51.
Grogan, J. Vidal, E., Schulze, M. 2006. Apoio científico para os padrões de manejo de madeira na floresta Amazônica: a questão da sustentabilidade. Ciência e Ambiente, 32.
Jake E. Bicknell, Matthew J. Struebig, David P. Edwards and Zoe G. Davies . Improved timber harvest techniques maintain biodiversity in tropical forests. Current Biology, Volume 24, Issue 23, pR1119–R1120, 1 December 2014.
M. Peña-Claros, T.S. Fredericksen, A. Alarcón, G.M. Blate, U. Choque, C. Leaño, J.C. Licona, B. Mostacedo, W. Pariona, Z. Villegas a , F.E. Putz. Beyond reduced-impact logging: Silvicultural treatments to increase growth rates of tropical trees. Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1458–1467.
Maria Rosa Darrigo, Eduardo Martins Venticinque, Flavio Antonio Maës dos Santos. JAN 2016. Effects of reduced impact logging on the forest regeneration in the central Amazonian. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 360. Pages 52-59.
Richardson VA, Peres CA (2016) Temporal Decay in Timber Species Composition and Value in Amazonian Logging Concessions. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159035. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0159035.
Skye L. Rivett, Jake E. Bicknell, Zoe G. Davies. Effect reduced-impact logging on seedling recruitment in a neotropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management. Pages 71-79.
Souza; S.E.X.F.; Vidal, Edson ; Chagas.; G.F.; Elgar, A.T.; Brancalion, P.H.S. Ecological outcomes and livelihood benefits of community-managed agroforests and second growth forests in Southeast Brazil. Biotropica (Lawrence, KS), v. 48, p. 868-881, 2016.
X.J. Rondon, D.L. Gorchov and F. Cornejo. Revisiting the Palcazu Forest Management Model and Its Sustainability for Timber Extraction in the Tropics. International Forestry Review, 15(1): 98-111.
Zarin, D. J., Schulze, M., Vidal, E. Lentini, M. 2007. Beyond reaping the first harvest: Management objectives for timber production in the Brazilian Amazon. Conserv. Biol. 21(4): 916-925.
Textos de apoio complementar
Additional Supporting Texts
Francis E. Putz, Pieter A. Zuidema, Timothy Synnott, Marielos Peña-Claros, Michelle A. Pinard, Douglas Sheil, Jerome K. Vanclay, Plinio Sist, Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, Bronson Griscom, John Palmer. & Roderick Zagt. Sustaining conservation values in selectively logged tropical forests: the attained and the attainable. CONSERVATION LETTERS 0 (2012) 1–8.
Lúcia Helena de Oliveira Wadt, Camila Lima Faustino, Christina Lynn Staudhammer, Karen A. Kainer, Joziane Silva Evangelista. Primary and secondary dispersal of Bertholletia excelsa: implications for sustainable harvests. Forest Ecology and Management.. 2018. 415 (98-105).
Marina Londres, Mark Schulze, Christina L. Staudhammer, Karen A. Kainer. Population Structure and Fruit Production of Carapa guianensis (Andiroba) in Amazonian Floodplain Forests: Implications for Community-Based Management. Tropical Conservation Science, Volume 10: 1–13.
Oyomoare L. Osazuwa-Peters, Iván Jiménez, Brad Oberle, Colin A. Chapman, Amy E. Zanne. 2015. Selective logging : do rates of forest turnover in stems, species composition and functional traits decrease with time since disturbance? - A 45 year perspective. Forest ecology and management, Vol. 357, (2015), p.10-21.
Putz, Francis E.; Redford, Kent H.; Robinson, John G.; Fimbel, Robert; Blate, Geoffrey M.. 2000. Biodiversity conservation in the context of tropical forest management. Environment Department working papers; no. 75. Biodiversity series. Washington, DC: World Bank. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/2000/09/828398/biodiversity-conservation-context-tropical-forest-management. (21)
Raquel da Silva Medeiros, Gil Vieira, Danilo Roberti Alves de Almeida, Mario Tomazello Filho. New information for managing Copaifera multijuga Hayne for oleosin yield. Forest Ecology and Management. 2018. 414: (85-98).
Ticktin, T. The ecological implications of harvesting non-timber forest products. Journal of Applied Ecology, Oxford, v. 41, n. 1, p. 11-12, Feb 2004.