Course detail

ECO5058 - Law Applied to the Environment and Cyberspace

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Andres Felipe Thiago Selingardi Guardia

The safeguard of the environment, established in national and international regulations, reflects the contemporaneous perception of superlative values. In attention to the moral inquiries raised by the contemporary ecology, it is expected that the legal regulation acts as an instrument able to materialize the defense of the environmental and human values identified from the ethical reflexion.
The subject Law applied to the environment and the digital implications aims to provide the student a specific training on the legal notion of environment, which enables him/her to understand the digital implications as an environmental dimension, phenomenon that transcends the mere improvement of information technologies.

I. Ecology, Environment and Law. 1.Ecology and legal Science. 1.1 Ecology: Essential considerations. 1.2 Legal Science: fundamental notions. 1.3 Law as a science and Law applied to science. 1.4 Ecological system versus legal system. 1.5 Systemic understanding of legal order. 2. Environment and Law. 2.1 Environment: initial considerations. 2.2 Historical – philosophical fundamentals of the environmental reflexion. 2.3 Interdisciplinary perception of environment: the role assigned to Law in nowadays global scenery. 2.4 Environmental problems and legal solutions. 2.5 Environment: nowadays legal concept. 2.6 Environment juridical system. 3. Deontological and moral aspects. II. The environment as an object of legal protection. 1. Natural Environment. 1.1 Human Rights and Environment. 1.2 Diffuse Rights and other areas of Law specifically implied in the defense of natural environment. 1.3 Environment Right. 1.4 Legal protection of the natural environment in national e international spheres. 2.1 Geographic space versus symbolic space. 2.2 Material and Immaterial heritage. 3. Artificial Environment. 3.1 Territory: legal meaning. 3.2 Property and territorial ordering. 3.3 Urban Law and Environment. 4. Digital Environment. III. Digital Environment as an environment of meta-spatial coexistence. 1. The advent of cyberspace. 2. The internet and the digital environment legal discipline. 3. Fundamental Rights and new information technologies. 4. The right to internet access. 5. Data protection: the safeguard of the human person of the digital environment. 6. General Theory of Personal Data Protection. 6.1 Data and database: conceptual assumptions. 7. Normative sources of the right to the protection of personal data. 8. The legal relationship in data processing: case studies.

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