Application materials

1.    Application form. Please check slots for Masters and Doctorate (in Portuguese).
2.    Proof of payment of the registration fee (please refer to item 3 in Conditions for registration) in the amount of R$ 100.00 (one hundred reais). Payment must be made exclusively by bank slip from the Banco do Brasil. Click here to generate the bank slip.
- Fee reduction requests (50%) must be submitted by August 10, 2024, exclusively via online form. Details (in Portuguese) » 
- Foreign applicants who are abroad are exempt from paying the fee at the time of registration. If admitted, however, they must pay it at the first enrollment.
- Foreign applicants who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies in Brazil and are abroad at the time of registration are not exempt from paying the fee upon registration.
3.    Updated Curriculum at Lattes platform (CNPq) in PDF format
4.    Official undergraduate transcript
5.    Bachelor's degree diploma - front and back
- Applicants whose diplomas have not yet been issued should submit an official document indicating the date of conclusion and degree earned
- Applicants who are still attending undergraduate school should submit an official letter indicating that they are potentially eligible to graduate
Note: Applicants who do not include the diploma must be aware that if selected in the admission process they will be required to present the diploma at enrollment, with graduation conclusion date (Day/month/year) prior to the last day of the enrollment period at ESALQ, otherwise they will not be able to enroll
6.    Doctoral degree applicants only: official graduate transcript
7.    Doctoral degree applicants only: Master's degree diploma – front and back
- Applicants whose diplomas have not yet been issued should submit an official document indicating the degree earned and homologation date (Day/month/year)
- Applicants who are still attending the master’s program should submit an official letter anticipating the date of the defense
- Applicants whose master’s degree was earned outside Brazil are additionally required to present degree equivalency except when the diploma is recognized countrywide
Note: Applicants who do not include the master’s degree diploma must be aware that if selected in the admission process they will be required to present the diploma at enrollment, with degree homologation date (Day/month/year) prior to the last day of the enrollment period at ESALQ, otherwise they will not be able to enroll
8.    Doctoral degree applicants only: Research plan (one copy) that must be linked to one of the program's research lines. The plan must include an introduction and justification, with reference to the fundamental literature, objectives, material and methods, development schedule and expected results, maximum of 10 (ten) pages. Innovative aspects of the proposal should be highlighted, considering the state of the art of research in the area of expertise.

Degree equivalency

Doctorate applicants with a master's degree abroad must additionally submit the following documents:

  • Signed request addressed to the Dean of Esalq (please inform the purpose of the request and personal email contact);
  • Defense report or equivalent document showing the composition of the examination committee;
  • Dissertation or thesis.

Applicants who have not yet completed their master's degree may submit this documentation later, remembering that the equivalence process takes time and, therefore, must be concluded before enrolling in the doctorate.
More information about equivalency »