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LET5821 - Biotecnologia Aplicada à Entomologia

Carga Horária

por semana
por semana
15 semanas
60 horas

Docentes responsáveis
Fernando Luis Consoli

A disciplina tem por objetivo abordar técnicas e avanços tecnológicos no estudo e exploração biotecnológica de insetos e suas associações, envolvendo assim diversas áreas de conhecimento relevantes ao desenvolvimento da Entomologia Agrícola, voltadas principalmente ao uso de estratégias contemporâneas que permitiriam a utilização de estratégias sustentáveis de manejo de pragas. Visa, assim, proporcionar uma visão multidisciplinar de ensino e pesquisa e permitir ao aluno de Doutorado interação inter e multi disciplinar.

Uma breve revisão da estrutura e funcionamento celular; Abordagens para amplificação do DNA e sequenciamento de DNA/RNA; Isolamento de moléculas - eletroforese; Isolamento de moléculas - cromatografia; Abordagens químicas e moleculares para o estudo da diversidade de insetos; Abordagens moleculares no estudo de genética populacional de insetos; Abordagens no estudo da expressão gênica diferencial; Explorando o genoma de insetos; Explorando o transcritoma de insetos; Explorando o metaboloma de insetos; Explorando o proteoma de insetos; Explorando as interações em insetos; Controle de insetos - RNA de interferência; Controle de insetos - transgenia; Controle de insetos - paratransgenia; Controle de insetos - edição gênica, CRISPR; Princípios e aplicações da nanobiotecnologia.

ABD-ELSALAM, K. & R. PRASAD. 2018. Nanobiotechnology applications in plant protection. Springer. 394p.
AHUJA, S. 2002. Chromatography and separation science. Academic Press, London. 250p.
AVISE, J.C. 2004. Molecular markers, natural history, and evolution. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland, Massachusetts.
BAKER, A.J. 2000. Molecular methods in ecology. Blackwell Publishing Professional. 352p.
BENEDICT, M.Q. 2014. Transgenic insects: techniques and applications. CABI Biotechnological Series. CABI, 388p.
BERTHOLF, R. & R.E. WINECKER. 2007. Chromatographic methods in clinical chemistry and toxicology. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 308p.
BOWTELL, D. & J. SAMBROOK. 2002. DNA Microarrays: a molecular cloning manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, 712 p.
BRUFORD, M.W., G. HEWITT, A.R. HOETZEL. 2007. Molecular ecology: genes, organisms and processes. Blackwell Publishers. 256p.
CAMPBELL, A.M. & L.J. HEYER. 2006. Discovering genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics. Benjamin Cummings. 340p.
CARAZZI, N. & M. KOZIEL. 1997. Advances in insect control: the role of transgenic plants. CRC Press. 304p.
CARDÉ, R.T. & J.G. MILLAR. 2004. Advances in Insect Chemical Ecology. Cmabridge University Press. 352p.
CONN, P.M. 2003. Handbook of proteomic methods. Humana Press, 524p.
DRAKE, V.A. & A.G. GATEHOUSE. 1995. Insect migration: tracking resources through space and time. Cambridge University Press. 496p.
FREELAND, J.R. 2006. Molecular ecology. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 400p.
HANDLER, A.M. & A.A. JAMES. 2000. Insect trangenesis: Methods and applications. CRC Press, New York. 424p.
HAYES, A.W. 2001. Principles and methods in toxicology. CRC Press, New York. 1887p.
HILLIS, D.M., C. MORITIZ, B.K. MABLE. 1996. Molecular systematics. Sinauer Associates, 2nd. Edition. 655p.
HOFFMANN, K.H. 2014. Insect molecular biology and ecology. CRC Press, Boca Raton. 411p.
MURPHY, D.B. 2001. Fundamentals of light microscopy and electronic imaging. Wiley-Liss. 360p.
HOFFMAN, E. DE & V. STROOBANT. 2003. Mass spectrometry: Principles and applications. John Wiley & Sons. 407p.
HOKKANEN, H.M.T. & A.E. HAJEK. 2004. Environmental impacts of microbial insecticides: need and methods for risk assessment (Progress in Biological Control, >1). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 272p.
HOY, M.A. 2001. Insect molecular genetics: an introduction to principles and applications. Academic Press, New York. 2nd Edition. 600p.
KINTER, M. & N.E. SHERMAN. 2000. Protein sequencing and identification using tandem mass spectrometry. Wiley-Interscience Series. 301p.
KJELLSSON, G., V. SIMONSEN & K. AMMANN. 1997. Methods for risk assessment of transgenic plants: pollination, gene-transfer and population impacts. Birkhauser Boston. 308p.
KOUL, O. & G.S. DHALIWAL. 2004. Transgenic crop protection: concepts and strategies. Science Publishers. 420p.
MALIK, V.P. & E.P. LILLEHOJ. 1994. Antibody techniques. Academic Press. 353p.
MILLAR, J.G. & K.F. HAYNES. 1998. Methods in chemical ecology. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 375p.
MOUNT, D. 2004. Bioinformatics: sequence and genome analysis. 2nd Edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. 665 p.
NEI, M. & S. KUMER. 2001. Molecular evolution and phylogenetics. Oxford University Press. 333p.
PERIASAMY, A. 2001. Methods in cellular imaging. American Physiological Society. 434p.
RAMAN, C., M.R. GOLDSMITH et al. 2015. Short views on Insect Genomics and Proteomics, vols. 1 & 2. Book Series Entomology in Focus, Springer.
ROTHE, G.M. 1994. Electrophoresis of enzymes: laboratory methods. Spring-Verlag. 307p.
SAMBROOK, J. & D. RUSSELL. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory Manual. 3rd Edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, 2344 p.
SCHALKHAMMER, T.G.M. 2007. Analytical biotechnology. Birkhauser. 200p.
SIMPSON, R.J. 2002. Proteins and proteomics: a laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 900p.
THACKER, J.R.M. 2002. An introduction to arthropod pest control. Cambridge University Press. 360p.
VEENSTRA, T.D. & J.R. YATES. 2006. Proteomics for biological diversity. Wiley-Liss, London. 326p.
VILCINSKAS, A. 2011. Insect Biotechnology. Vol. 2. Springer, Dordrecht. 268p.
VILCINSKAS, A. 2013. Yellow Biotechnology. Vol. 2. In Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 136. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 209p.
WESTERMEIER, R. 2001. Electrophoresis in Practice. 3rd Edition. Wiley-VCH, London. 368p.
WILSON, K. & J. WALKER. 2005. Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
WYATT, T.D. 2003. Pheromones and animal behaviour: communication by smell and taste. Cambridge University Press. 408p.
XIONG, J. 2006. Essential bioinformatics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 352p.